Wish That Everything Good Finds You And Stays With You

Wishing each of the people around us that everything good finds them and embraces them, unfortunately, it is not usually something common. Specifically because, often, feelings of selfishness or envy are very present. The noble, pure and selfless desire is not seen every day. People many times more for wishing all the best for ourselves. Also for those closest to us, those we love the most.

Now … Why is it so difficult to promote these types of thoughts and desires to everyone equally? Something that should be taken into account is that many of our wishes,  our words and behaviors have consequences.

It is popularly said, treat others as you would like to be treated. Good wishes enrich as a person. They cost nothing and do a lot, because they transform thinking and remove many negative burdens and focuses from the mind.

The good that positive thoughts contain

The classic idea that “we reap what we sow” always has a reality base. Now, far from seeing this conception as something deterministic, we have to assume it rather as that each act has its consequence.

Cultivating positive thoughts every day is synonymous with health. We do not talk about spiritual issues or practice kindness arbitrarily, just because a certain religious or spiritual approach commands us to do so.

To have positive thoughts is to approach life in a more accurate way. If I wish that all good things accompany my family and friends, I show that I love them and that I care about their well-being.

It should be mentioned that, in a generic way, when you enjoy seeing the failures of others, you are actually showing a certain immaturity. In a way, it is enough to recall the stages of moral development in children that Lawrence Kohlberg enunciated.

For children under 6 or 7 years old there is only one moral code and it is one where “those who I like deserve the best and those who I do not like should be punished.”

This approach does not build, is not dignified or civic. People have no obligation to get along with everyone. Now, this fact does not imply wishing anyone failure or unhappiness.

What you do, think and wish always comes back to you

Actions and thoughts always have consequences that go back to the person who originated them. A word said at the wrong time can cause a person we love to walk away.

Wishing someone bad can cause other people to abandon us in the long run. This usually happens because the image that is transmitted is that of a spiteful person. Bad wishes are often uncomfortable and say a lot about those who have them.

When you wish evil on others, you are relaying a personal image based on envy and resentment. Specifically when there are no apparent reasons to think badly of the other. When you are happy and you live well and without complexes, why would you senselessly criticize others? 

Before doing something think about the consequences, and above all, wish all the good to those around you. 

You are free to create your future

As stated in the Buddha’s teachings,if you want to know your present, look at your past, because that is the result, but if you want to know your future, attend to your present, because there will be the cause.”

This idea can be translated into the idea that people are free beings and architects of our reality. Each act has consequences, as we already know, and that is how, little by little, we are shaping our future.

Just by wishing all the good to those around the person, you can be shaping your own emotions, in your way of understanding life. An approach that is based on reciprocity and recognition of others opens our minds and nourishes our hearts.

In turn, those who build environments based on positivity and empathy, gain emotional well-being. All of this allows us to build a much more hopeful future. Those who think positively are already one step ahead.

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