What To Eat After Thyroid Surgery?

Diet plays an important role in alleviating the symptoms of thyroid problems. On some occasions, hyperthyroidism situations are correctable through pharmacology and diet.

However, there may be circumstances that require removal of the gland. Either due to hyperthyroidism that does not respond optimally to drugs, or due to the presence of a tumor mass linked to hormonal overproduction.

In either of these two situations it is necessary to be clear that diet will be a determining component when it comes to recovering the functionality of the individual. Because of this, below we will discuss in detail what to eat after thyroid surgery.

Soft diet at first

One of the first dietary goals is that the act of eating does not involve discomfort. Since the area can be sensitive after the operation, which causes certain difficulties in swallowing, it is essential to choose foods with soft textures that facilitate the digestive process.

Thus, you can choose creams (made from vegetables and even meat or fish), yogurts, well-cooked vegetables, omelettes or ripe fruit. Any cooking method that produces a hardening of the food or the formation of a crust is not recommended in this type of situation, for example grilling or fried foods.

Thyroid surgery: what to eat at first?

Caloric balance after thyroid surgery

Because the gland has been removed, hormones will be ingested exogenously. These intervene in various functions of energy metabolism, can control caloric expenditure and affect the sensation of appetite.

It is important to adapt the patient’s diet to his needs from the energy point of view to avoid unwanted weight gains. Prioritizing the consumption of vegetables is usually a very effective option.

It is important to be especially careful with processed products and simple sugars, since thyroid patients may be more susceptible to developing type 2 diabetes, according to a study published in 2019 through the journal Medicine

On the other hand, beneficial effects of a low-carbohydrate diet have been reported in patients with thyroid pathologies. According to an article published in the journal Drug Design, Development and Therapy , those with autoimmune thyroiditis are more likely to benefit from this dietary change. However, more human trials are needed to standardize such a dietary protocol.

Supplementation may be necessary

During the early stages after thyroid surgery, the doctor usually prescribes calcium and vitamin D supplements, especially if the blood values ​​of both nutrients are altered.

This supplementation could be extended permanently in some cases, especially if the vitamin requirements are not met through diet and sun exposure.

A study published in the journal Langenbecks’s Archives of Surgery  states that hyperparathyroidism patients frequently have altered levels of vitamin D in the body.

However, no relationship is found between the levels of this vitamin in the preoperative period and the subsequent risk of hypocalcemia. On the other hand, it is usually supplemented with active iodine to all those thyroid cancer patients who have undergone surgery.

A diet rich in fiber provides symptomatic relief from constipation caused by painkillers, especially in the first weeks of recovery after the operation. To guarantee your contribution, it is convenient to prioritize the consumption of fruits and vegetables, or, supplementation could be valued in some cases.

Supplementation may be necessary after thyroid surgery

Diet is important after thyroid surgery

Nutrition can improve postoperative symptoms, as well as help prevent unwanted changes in body composition. It is necessary to attend to the patient’s needs and adjust the diet accordingly.

On the other hand, supplementation with vitamin D and fiber may be beneficial in some cases, although this is not done routinely. In any case, any type of supplementation in this situation must be prescribed by a specialist.

As far as physical activity is concerned, the first weeks will require complete rest. As the wound heals, activity can be progressively recovered, although trying not to do strenuous activities, especially at the beginning.

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