What Is Global Postural Reeducation?

Global postural reeducation is based on individualized processes adapted to the needs of each patient to improve their capacities, both at the primary and global levels.

Global postural reeducation is a therapeutic method that allows evaluating, diagnosing and treating any type of pathology that, in some way, affects the musculoskeletal system.

If you haven’t heard of this therapeutic practice, pay attention. Next, we collect for you a whole series of information that may interest you.

What is global postural reeducation?

Also known as RPG, global postural reeducation is based on key objectives, among which the manual treatment of postural alterations stands out. Likewise, it is also responsible for the management of pictures that cause some type of pain or discomfort in the patient.

Woman with back pain from poor posture

This method is innovative, because it is a treatment that is characterized by being progressive and gentle. Therefore, it can be applied without problems to anyone, regardless of their age. On the other hand, it can be done both standing up, sitting down or lying down.

One of its characteristics is that the global postural reeducation method respects the capacities of each person.  In this treatment it is taken into account that each pathology is different and that each individual evolves at their own pace.

The popularity of RPG treatments is based on the fact that each of them is totally personalized. The therapy is based on the particular circumstances of the patient, always starting from the symptoms that they manifest.

Principles of global postural reeducation

Woman in global postural reeducation therapy

This novel therapeutic practice is based on key principles that protect its essence. Among its basic aspects, the following stand out :


The globality of the organism indicates that all processes are interrelated with each other. This is taken into account throughout the procedure, from the initial diagnosis and evaluation, to the treatment and management of pain.


For the treatment of pathologies that affect the neuromusculoskeletal system , the root causes of the problem must be located. From there, action must be taken not only paying attention to its consequences, but mainly attacking the causes that caused the conditions.

Fundamentals of global posture re-education

In addition to the aforementioned principles, global postural reeducation has key foundations that characterize and differentiate it.

1. Restructured muscular system

Woman in global postural reeducation therapy

The entire muscular system of the body is restructured as a chain. This implies that they are interrelated with each other. Therefore, if any part of it is affected, its consequences also affect the entire chain or muscular system.

2. The division of the musculature

The muscular system is divided into static and dynamic muscles. Each of them has different characteristics. The static ones have little efficacy when they are stiff or hypertonic. Meanwhile, the dynamics decrease their effectiveness when they are damaged.

3. R eeducation of the global position

The re-education of the global posture seeks to strengthen and achieve the natural state of the joints. Through exercises or stretching, the intention is to prevent gravity from compressing the joints.

Woman in yoga posture

We cannot ignore that all kinds of pathology that affects the neuromusculoskeletal system also affects, in some way, breathing. Therefore, the RPG also takes this aspect into account and promotes correct breathing.

On the other hand, each individualized treatment is made up of a set of stretches that evolve gradually. They begin in a stage, where there is almost no type of tension and progress until stretching, which is carried out progressively taking into account the patient’s capacity.

The main foundation of this practice is the manual therapeutic process. This  does not generate sudden  or unexpected gestures for the patient under any circumstances, but increases gradually.

In recent years, global postural reeducation has spread worldwide thanks to its great benefits. Not in vain is it a method of physiotherapy that seeks symptomatic relief of pain and correct deformities.

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