What Is Anxiety And How To Overcome It?

Have you ever suffered from anxiety? Many people would answer yes, but nevertheless they could not explain exactly what it consists of. And without knowing it, it is even more difficult to find a solution. It is best to always go to a specialist, but if you feel that your anxiety symptoms are not too serious, you can also follow some tips.

There are many good tips to reduce anxiety, but in this article we really explain what anxiety is, which will also lead us to the only way we have to eliminate it from our day to day and improve our physical and emotional health in the same way more natural and effective.

Not your enemy

In general, when we suffer from any health problem, whether it is physical or emotional, we usually react as if we were facing an enemy. However, many health specialists have explained to us that our body always tends to try to survive, and it is precisely forced to draw our attention to our bad habits with what we know as diseases.

For example, if we have a fever we must understand that our body is raising the body temperature to fight harmful germs that want to make us sick.

In the same way, anxiety also appears so that we understand something about ourselves.

massimo ankor anxiety

Anxiety is a messenger

Anxiety may have appeared in your life to tell you something that you are denying, something that you do not want to hear or accept, but that you nevertheless know to be true. Do any of these phrases sound familiar to you?

  • I don’t really enjoy what I do
  • I feel overloaded, I work beyond my means
  • There is something that prevents me from being happy
  • I’m not doing what I want
  • I care too much what family or friends think of me
  • I find it difficult to assume commitments or responsibilities
  • I want to make an important change but I don’t dare
  • I feel like I don’t control my life

People who suffer from anxiety usually have some of these feelings but most have not come to consider it, or perhaps they have done it but they have not paid attention to it.

anxiety alessandra

So what is it?

That is why we can say that anxiety is a response of the body to certain situations, an intelligent way by which we talk to ourselves, we force ourselves to listen to ourselves. If we suffer from anxiety we have to know that there is something we must change. A real change related to our environment, our way of life or the people around us.

Until we change that, we will not be able to eliminate it from our lives, no matter how many conventional or natural treatments we do.

Fear of anxiety

One of the biggest problems people with anxiety have is that they are afraid of it. When they feel it, they get nervous and that makes them even more anxious. When we realize this detail and are able to keep calm, we will realize that we have already gained a lot of ground.

Maybe we feel shaky, sweat cold, our hearts race, we stutter, we find it difficult to breathe, we lose vision, or we get dizzy. What can we do in this moment of crisis? Sit down, breathe deeply and not give it more importance than it has. When we are calmer, it will be time to reflect on the cause that has originated it.

Previous signs

Our body gives us warnings before we suffer anxiety for the first time. If we learn to detect them, we may also be able to prevent future anxiety :

  • Stress
  • Insomnia
  • Headache
  • Nervousness
  • Tendency to suffer from recurring diseases
  • Impatience and lack of control

If you are suffering from some of these symptoms or are beginning to notice anxiety, we recommend that you start considering changes in your life. In this way you can eliminate it in the most natural way, improve your quality of life and prevent other more serious diseases in the future.

If we learn to observe our body and listen to ourselves, our body will not need to repeatedly warn us.

What we have described here are tips that are not supported by scientific evidence and that may not work to overcome anxiety in your case. We recommend that you consult with a mental health specialist whenever you can.

Images courtesy of Alessandra, massimo ankor and respository

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