What Are Lean Proteins And What Are Their Contributions To The Diet?

Lean proteins are essential nutrients that are present in all food groups and that benefit the health of the entire body. They increase body energy and, in return, provide a minimum amount of fat. To get an idea of ​​this, it can be said that a serving contains between 50 and 55 calories and ta n only provides 3 grams of fat.

Proteins account for between 10% and 35% of the caloric intake  of the foods that a person normally consumes. This equates to approximately 46 grams for women and 56 grams for men.

Below we will tell you what advantages the consumption of lean proteins entails for the body and through what foods you could incorporate them into your diet.

Protein function

Proteins are the main constituents of muscle tissues . Its main functions include:

  • They carry oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood.
  • Promote the formation of the tissues that support and fill the body, such as the connective tissue, collagen, elastin and keratin.
  • They promote the proper functioning of the immune system, while they are responsible for the formation of antibodies that act against infections and the influence of foreign agents in the body.
  • They allow the formation of gastric juices, hormones, hemoglobin, vitamins and the enzymes involved in the chemical reactions carried out by the body.
  • And finally, myosin and actin, two of its components, make possible muscle contraction which , in turn, allows the movement of cells.

The importance of consuming lean protein

To all these functions, lean proteins add others:

  • They are ideal in weight loss diets for their high protein content and low amount of fat. They provide a feeling of satiety and thus prevent the anxiety to eat.  
  • They help those who do sports to optimally develop the tissues of the muscular system.
  • They affect the good growth of nails and hair, as well as the health of the skin.
  • Its consumption also provides us with a quality energy reserve.

Foods where we can find lean proteins

Here’s a list of foods that are considered good sources of lean protein.

The egg

What damage can bad eggs cause to the human body?

The egg  It is the food that provides lean protein par excellence. It is r ico in minerals, vitamins, healthy fats, antioxidants and essential nutrients for the brain.

It is the only food from which it is possible to completely  separate the fat. It should be remembered, in this sense, that he clear is the part that contains the most protein. Offers 11% protein and 0% harmful fats. 

Take note:


The way it is cooked influences the protein intake. The best thing will be, then, to prepare it in the oven or roasted, to make the most of its protein intake.

If you use oil to cook it, choose healthy ones whenever possible. Coconut, avocado and sesame oils can add a touch of exceptional flavor to this meat.

Chicken and turkey meats

Old-fashioned mustard chicken with honey

Poultry like chicken and turkey provide lean protein. Thus, they are much healthier than red meat.  In addition, they are very easy to prepare.  

Both chicken and turkey contain less purines than red meat.  Due to their high content of uric acid, purines are the cause of diseases such as arthritis. Hence, it is recommended to eat red meat in moderation. 

Fish and seafood

Both fish and shellfish are lean protein sources. They are very healthy and provide high doses of essential nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids.

  • The  hake, sole or cod  contain between 10% and 20% protein. However, they only have 5% fat in their composition.
  • Natural tuna provides good quality fats when eaten fresh. A cup of tuna contains  30g protein, 179 calories and only 1% lipids or fats.
    • Of course, we recommend consuming natural tuna, since canning contains a lot of salt and preservatives.
  • Shrimp or prawns are low in calories and very high in omega-3 fatty acids. They also provide other nutrients, such as selenium and vitamin B12.

Dairy products

Dairy products

In addition to its contribution of calcium and its low amount of fat, l Dairy products are a good source of lean protein.

  • Cottage cheese is a very lean variety of cheese. Provides proteins of great biological value due to its animal origin. It provides 12% protein and only 4% lipids.  In addition, it is rich in nutrients. Not only does it contain calcium, but it also provides selenium, phosphorus, vitamins B2 and B12.


The lentils They are rich in fiber, potassium, magnesium, folate, iron, manganese, copper.

C ombinarla with a cereal such as rice ensures obtain a complete protein portion. Thus, you will incorporate essential amino acids and little fat.

If you wanted to reduce the consumption of meats, you would have to increase the consumption of vegetable protein, present in foods such as lentils. Just remember that you should eat a lot of lentils to be able to incorporate the same amount of protein that you would get from meat.

Include them regularly in your diet and enjoy their benefits

Would you say that you include enough lean protein in your diet? What are the foods that you usually get them from? Remember that you must maintain variety in your diet to be able to take full advantage of all the benefits that the different nutrients offer you. 

If you have questions about how to eat a balanced diet, consult your doctor or a nutritionist. Professionals will know how to tell you what is best for your body, without neglecting the objectives that you have set yourself to achieve.

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