Turmeric, A Spice With Many Properties

Turmeric is from the ginger family, and it grows primarily in India, China, and Africa. This is rich in curcumin , a yellow curcuminoid that has anti-inflammatory properties and helps with healing.

It is also very low in calories and rich in vitamins and minerals. In addition, it is believed to be a good neuroprotective (according to various investigations) and has a high level of antioxidants.

Turmeric benefits

On the one hand, this spice could be very beneficial for the complementary treatment of diseases such as arthritis. Multiple studies claim that its anti-inflammatory ability could relieve pain and inflammation, but it is important that we do not forget to discuss it with the doctor first.

Turmeric also keeps the digestive system in good condition, normal cholesterol levels and, on the other hand, helps the liver to function properly.

Benefits of turmeric

1. Antioxidant properties

Thanks to the antioxidants it contains, it helps neutralize free radicals and slow down the signs of aging. It could also be beneficial for cardiovascular health, according to numerous reports.

The antioxidant content comes from active compounds, called curcuminoids, much more powerful than vitamin E and C, and capable of scavenging free radicals.

It is believed that turmeric could influence the development of mental health conditions such as anxiety, but the studies carried out so far do not provide enough evidence.

2. Anti-inflammatory properties

To begin with, it needs to be of good quality, as pure as possible, without preservatives or other added substances.

Remember that with any ailment, the first thing you should do is go to the doctor. If this allows you, you can carry out this recipe in a complementary way to its treatment.

3 turmeric remedies for rheumatoid arthritis

Although about 500 milligrams of turmeric extract can be taken orally to reduce inflammation, you can also apply it locally as follows:

  • First, place a tablespoon of turmeric in a shallow dish.
  • Next, add a teaspoon of water, until you make a paste with a consistency similar to clay, so that it sticks to the skin, and does not drip.
  • Then, it may be necessary that you have to add more water or more turmeric, depending on the area to be treated.
  • Next, spread a thin layer of turmeric paste, about 1mm thick, over the affected area.
  • It should be noted that it can be used to relieve skin conditions, sprains or inflammation in the joints, among others.
  • Finally, put on a gauze and let it act overnight.

3. Digestive and carminative properties

Turmeric is credited with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, but also digestive and carminative properties. In fact, multiple studies support its ability to alleviate the symptoms of various gastric pathologies,  but before integrating it regularly into the diet, the ideal is to first consult a specialist. This will help avoid adverse reactions. 

According to popular wisdom, it can be consumed to relieve an upset stomach as follows.

  • First, heat 1 cup of milk or yogurt in the microwave.
  • Next, add a teaspoon or two of turmeric, stirring well, to mix it up.
  • Lastly, drink the mixture to settle your stomach.

Turmeric medicinal drink from Ayurvedic medicine.

Other medicinal properties yet to be known

As we have seen, turmeric is a spice that can be included in the diet – after medical consultation – to enhance well-being. This is because it is considered that, in addition to having a value in the gastronomic sphere, it has medicinal potential, specifically in its different active compounds, which could help fight inflammation, free radicals and the causative agents of some chronic diseases.

Despite the fact that numerous investigations have been carried out that have confirmed part of the benefits of turmeric, it is necessary to continue research to understand more precisely how its compounds work, their scope, interaction with foods and drugs, among many other issues that are key. to safeguard the well-being of every person. It is also necessary to continue to dig deeper to see if this spice may have other medicinal properties, as popular wisdom indicates.

It must be remembered that miracle foods do not exist as such and that to take care of health , the first thing to do is follow the doctor’s instructions, while maintaining good lifestyle habits.

Eating healthy, sleeping well, exercising regularly, giving a space to leisure in the open air and other simple habits can add up to a lot when it comes to feeling good.

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