Tips For Adjusting To New Glasses

Headaches, dizziness and even nausea are normal symptoms when wearing glasses. If you want to reduce these conditions, consider the following tips.

Are you new to wearing glasses? Then you may be exhibiting some unusual symptoms. You should not worry, since it is normal whenever you change the frame, graduation or if you are using them for the first time.

This is because the brain is recognizing the presence of something different. In these cases, it is recommended at the beginning is to put them on for a few hours a day and rest, in order to avoid dizziness or other unpleasant symptoms.

However, it is important that you know that these discomforts last only a few days. In the same way, we will share a series of tips for you to adapt to the new glasses faster.

What discomfort do new glasses usually cause?

If you are wearing glasses for the first time in your life or your prescription was modified, usually the first few days you will present discomfort. It is a stage of adaptation that lasts a short time. In this sense, below we specify certain problems that you could present and that are frequent among users:

  • Eye fatigue: it is characterized by the feeling of fatigue in the eyes while doing any type of activity.
  • Blurred vision: it may be difficult at first to distinguish the objects around you or even distort them.
  • Barrel distortion: it consists of seeing the objects bent, deformed, wavy, out of focus or with a different shape.
  • Fishbowl effect: it is a sensation in which you can see everything that is seen with bent edges, as if you were looking at the environment through a fishbowl.
  • Dizziness and nausea: these are the most common complaints and are caused by the problems already mentioned.
Glasses on a girl.

What causes these discomfort from the new glasses?

Getting started in the world of glasses is very uncomfortable at first, but as time goes by, the body and the eye get used to this new element. You must remember that, until now, your brain appreciated images in a certain way.

When you incorporate lenses, the brain must mold itself to this new vision modality. So if you want to know more about the causes of the discomfort, read on.

Familiarization period

The first cause has to do with the familiarization period. As we explained to you, your brain goes through an adaptation phase in which it must adjust the field of vision through the new glasses.

Keep in mind that it is normal that, as you put them on, you can only see the edge of the frame. For the process to flow in a better way, the ideal is that you use them as long as possible. Thus, in just a few days you will feel comfortable.

One tip that is very useful when you have glasses for the first time or if you are wearing a new frame or prescription, is to start wearing them only while you are sitting down. Then move on to incorporating them into simple tasks that involve routine movements, like climbing stairs.

Use of progressive lenses

Thanks to progressive lenses it is possible to get a clear view of everything around you. This means that you will always see all objects, whether they are far or near.

In general, getting used to this type of lens does not take more than three weeks, so if the symptoms of discomfort persist, it is best to see a specialist. Start with its use progressively and you will be able to adapt without major inconveniences.

Stress about new glasses

Stress affects the entire body, resulting in problems with blood pressure, heart rate, and even vision. Consequently, if you are going through stressful situations and the use of new lenses is added, you may have general discomforts, from headaches to nausea.

A good suggestion when you go to the ophthalmologist is to try to be as relaxed as possible. This will avoid alterations in the results of the vision test.


Another reason that causes the feeling of great discomfort when wearing new glasses is suffering from problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes or migraine. Any of these disorders could have a major impact on visual acuity.

If that’s the case, then your vision problems are no longer related to the adjustment period, but rather to medical conditions. The best way to identify it is to wait the usual three weeks of adaptation. If the discomfort persists, it is necessary to check with a doctor.


Finally, you should know that some types of medication cause vision to be affected. If you are exposed to a specific treatment, it is best to consult with your doctor if the drugs have side effects on visual acuity.

Tips to get used to new glasses without discomfort

It should be clarified that the time of adaptation of the new glasses varies according to the vision of each person, his experience, his previous visual alteration and the type of lens. However, there are a number of practical tips that can help you.

1. Go with specialized professionals

It is essential to go to an optician where specialized professionals attend, since they are the ones who have the necessary knowledge to provide you with the best quality glasses.

It should be noted that, in many of these establishments, people are also trained to perform an eye exam. Do not forget to specify your daily activities so that they recommend glasses adjusted to your requirements.

2. Select a frame that is comfortable for you

For any beginner in the use of glasses, the ideal is to start with their own frames. The reason is that, in this way, it is possible to select the type that best suits your face and facial proportions. Ask for guidance from specialized professionals.

3. Use them for periods of time

Any element that you incorporate from scratch in your life will generate an impact. The same goes for glasses. Therefore, a good idea to make the transition easier is to use them for different periods of time.

For example, start by putting them on for two hours a day. Then do activities that you do frequently, such as walking, climbing stairs, working. This will make you engage in its use.

An important point to consider is to avoid tasks that are usually dangerous, such as driving and doing precision work, during the first days. This is because of the possibility of dizziness.

Woman adjusts to new glasses at work.

4. Head movements

Another aspect that many overlook is head movements. Before wearing glasses, your visual field is adapted to a certain way of looking. However, when you start with the new lenses you must adjust what you see. Therefore, put them on and begin to turn slowly to detail the surroundings.

When to call the eye doctor?

Adapting to an unknown element in the body requires patience. Headaches, dizziness, and even nausea are very common after a new prescription for glasses. But all this has a limit.

The familiarization stage should not exceed three weeks, so if the symptoms continue, go back to your specialist and investigate the reason for the discomfort. There may be an error in the prescription of the glasses.

So the best thing in these cases is to contact the professional to check if the prescription is correct. The goal is to make sure they are the right ones for you.

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