Three Excellent Remedies For Gum Problems

Good daily oral hygiene is essential to avoid gum problems. It is important to brush your teeth after each meal with a natural toothpaste and finish with a rinse.

The health of the body is reflected in the teeth and gums. The mouth suffers the consequences not only of the malfunctioning of the organs, but also of a poor diet, toxic habits such as tobacco and alcohol and even a weak digestive system. In this article, we detail the benefits of three natural remedies for gum problems.

What happens to the gums?

The most common pathology is gingivitis, which involves inflammation and infection of the gums. This problem is suffered by a large part of the population to a greater or lesser extent; there are people who feel a little discomfort or redness and there are also those who suffer small bleeding every time they brush their teeth.

The gums are more sensitive in times of hormonal changes, such as during puberty or pregnancy. Regarding this last period, it is important to highlight that the plants mentioned in this text can be taken during pregnancy.

On the other hand, beyond the convenience of opting for natural remedies, we must not stop going to the dentist for any oral problem or discomfort.


Natural remedies for gum problems

1. Agrimony

Agrimony is a plant that has been used as a natural medicine since ancient times. It combines three excellent properties for gum problems:

  • It is astringent.
  • Facilitates and accelerates healing.
  • Stops bleeding locally.

This plant hides many secrets that have been kept from generation to generation among those people who had to take care of their voice, such as singers, teachers or actors, since it relieves irritation of the vocal cords.

As a curiosity, we must also highlight that there is a flower essence that is made with this plant and that is used to help people express their emotions in a healthy way. There is a theory that oral problems are related on a psychosomatic level with everything that we are not able to say.

To benefit from its properties, we will  make a decoction of this plant for three minutes and rinse with it, between one and three times a day.


2. Propolis extract

Along with garlic, propolis or propolis extract is one of the best known and most effective natural antibiotics. Its recognition is due to its powerful properties as a soothing and antiseptic, which makes it an excellent remedy for healthy and strong gums.

If, in addition to treating the gums, we want to strengthen the immune system, we can do a propolis-based treatment for a month. We can find it in liquid format, in capsules or chewable tablets.

On the other hand, if you want to act only on the gums, it is possible to rinse with the following proportion: 30 drops of the extract dissolved in half a glass of water (100 ml). If the gums feel very swollen, rinses with cold water can be done for more immediate relief. There is also the option of applying the pure extract directly on the gums.

3. Walnut

Walnut leaves have the same beneficial properties for the gums that we have explained about agrimony: they are astringent, healing and hemostatic, thanks to their high tannin content.

We can alternate or even mix the agrimony with the walnut leaves, since the preparation is the same. To do this, you must prepare a decoction of dried walnut leaf by letting it boil for 3 minutes and rest until it is warm or cold. We can repeat the rinses several times a day.


Good hygiene is essential

In addition to the factors that we have discussed that can influence gum problems, we must also highlight the importance of good daily dental hygiene. These are some healthy habits that it is advisable to follow:

  • Brushing after each meal, for at least two minutes: We  must insist well on all teeth and molars, but be careful not to be too rough so as not to cause bleeding gums.
  • If possible, choose an ecological and natural toothpaste:  Conventional ones contain substances that are too aggressive with oral pH.
  • Using dental floss or floss every night: The purpose is to remove the remains of food between the teeth, also with the precaution of avoiding bleeding. These small debris that stay there can aggravate gum problems such as inflammation.
  • As a mouthwash, use one of the three remedies listed in this article.

Finally, remember that, although these remedies can help us alleviate the symptoms of gingivitis, it will be the specialist who will give us a definitive solution. If the problem extends or intensifies, consult your dentist without hesitation.

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