The Natural Treatment Of Fibromyalgia

Stress and the emotional factor could be determining factors in the development of fibromyalgia. Likewise, a balanced diet would be essential.

Fibromyalgia is considered a rheumatological disease that appears with an abnormal perception of chronic generalized pain in the musculoskeletal system and persistent fatigue. Fibromyalgia is normally considered when this pain remains for more than 3 months.

The US National Library of Medicine notes that it can be associated with traumatic events, frequent injuries, or other illnesses. However, since no specific causes have been found for its development, fibromyalgia could be considered to be neurological in nature.

The most characteristic symptoms are muscle, bone, ligament and joint pain, general exhaustion, trouble sleeping, and anxiety or headache.

It is known that it affects at least 2% of the general population, being more common among women and there is no age limit. The difficulty of diagnosing and treating it makes many people look for natural solutions. In this article we offer some tips that may help alleviate symptoms.

Keep in mind that natural medicine remedies can act as an accompaniment to medical treatment but at no time do they replace it. In fact, many of the options that we will present below do not have scientific endorsement to support them.

The emotional factor

The psychosomatic explanation of the disease would be that of a person disillusioned with life. Ayurvedic medicine experts suggest, in these cases, using homeopathy or Bach flowers to alleviate the annoying symptoms, as well as looking for any triggers.

If the emotional component was heavy and there were symptoms of depression, you could take St. John’s wort or tryptophan, with food, or as a supplement.

St. John’s wort or St. John’s wort is a plant used historically, as can be seen in different investigations, to alleviate the emotional symptoms associated with pain due to its supposed antidepressant properties. It is believed that it would be useful in times of depression, fatigue, anxiety or insomnia, among others.

Tryptophan, on the other hand, is the least abundant amino acid essential for our health in food. It is used in our body to make serotonin, and is involved in the stimulation and regulation of our mood and sleep patterns, according to an article published in Nutrients .

The right diet for fibromyalgia

tom gill apple

To consider

In some cases, fibromyalgia could be caused by food intolerances that should be ruled out. The most common are gluten and lactose.

Another issue to take into account, since it could influence the disease, would be the presence of intestinal parasites. If this condition is suspected, consultation with a specialist is imperative.

In general, if there was an underlying disease that could cause or exacerbate the symptoms of fibromyalgia, it was necessary to try to solve this imbalance to improve the general condition.

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