The Ling Gu Point: Instant Sciatica Relief

We talked about the Ling Gu Point in acupuncture, which can help relieve sciatica, back pain, or menstrual pain.

Within acupuncture, it is necessary to know that there are different vital points (such as the Ling Gu point) that, when worked, provide well-being, eliminate pain and improve diseases.

Although attention is often paid to several points in an acupuncture session or treatment, some are more important than others and are used for specific ailments. For this reason, today we will talk about the Ling Gu point, which can help to  immediately relieve pain in the sciatica and lower back. We will see how this treatment is carried out.

However, due to the limited studies and research on it, it is necessary to take special care in its application. Although, being a natural therapy does not entail any risk to health.

Ling Gu: a point to pay attention

The Ling Gu point, whose translation means “bone of the spirit”, can be worked on daily to alleviate the ailments of various problems, especially those related to the back. Therefore, it may be the favorite of those who work in an office sitting at the desk all day, as it is a great relief.

This acupuncture point was discovered by Master Tung, a doctor of Chinese origin known in his country for the results obtained by his patients thanks to the techniques used. What differentiates it from the rest is that very few needles are used to achieve greater effects.

Acupuncture point

Master Tung’s points had been kept secret for several family generations, until he decided to reveal them to a group of students. In this way, we can all now all access its benefits.

Where is it located?

The Ling Gu point is located on the top of the hand, between the first and second metacarpus, that is, between the thumb and index finger, a little higher than that soft sector that allows the articulation of the finger that is “only”. If we place a finger of the other hand at this point, we will notice that there is a kind of gap.

This point, when worked correctly, can quickly relieve pain in sciatica and lower back. That horrible pain that starts in the lower back, which extends to the leg and does not allow any movement to be carried out normally.

It is said that, for the effect to be as expected, the needle must be placed at the opposite Ling Gu point. If the pain goes down the right leg, the left hand should be worked. Relief should occur within a few minutes, as this article published in The journal of alternative and complementary medicine points out .

This point is also used in other back pain, as well as headaches and feet, menstrual pain and Bell’s palsy.

Pain can be relieved with a squeeze in the hand

Applying pressure to this place between the thumb and index finger, also known as Hegu , can soothe anxiety and back pain, especially sciatic pain, as well as headache and dental pain.

Although acupuncture practitioners treat this point with needles, we can also do it ourselves by applying some pressure to the site.

Of the more than 300 points on the body, according to Chinese acupuncture, treatment at the Ling Gu point appears to be one of the most helpful. While not enough studies have been conducted to prove whether this is so, the truth is that traditional Asian medicine has it among the “favorites” for hundreds of years.

Acupressure on the hand.

How to stimulate your own Ling Gu point?

Acupuncturists often work on the Ling Gu point as part of a personalized pain relief program that includes a variety of other points throughout the body. For example, the points to be worked on for a patient with anxiety disorders are different than those for someone with menstrual pain. However, Ling Gu is probably a common denominator in both treatments.

To manipulate your own Ling Gu point, acupuncturists explain that you must place a finger on the fleshy part between the thumb and index finger of the opposite hand. So, place your index finger on the other side of your hand and press down hard. If you do it right, it will hurt.

Person self-applying a massage.

One or two minutes may be enough, but the benefits start to show after 20 to 40 minutes of constant pressure. If you don’t have any relief from pressure in one hand, try the other.

The idea is that you can do this treatment or technique alone, when you are at home, in the office or traveling to work on the bus. It is not recommended to use needles without proper knowledge or without expert supervision.

In short, putting pressure on the Ling Gu point will allow you to relieve pain when your back or sciatica hurts, also your head or stomach during your period. Try to do it for half an hour and do not wait until you can no longer have pain in the spine.

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