The Day After A Bad Night’s Sleep: How To Deal With It?

Have you had a bad night’s sleep? If in your case it is something frequent, it is necessary that you start taking measures. In fact, not getting adequate sleep makes us wake up tired, probably with a headache and with little courage to start the whole day ahead.

First of all, you should know that insomnia, if chronic, will take a toll on your overall health. Therefore, it is crucial that you go to your family doctor to prescribe the guidelines to follow. If you don’t sleep properly, you are likely to suffer minor memory lapses and even gain weight. Action must be taken! Today, in our space, we want to give you a series of tips to face the day after a bad night’s sleep, for your health and well-being. So, find out with us!

1. Start the day with a warm shower

First, start the day with a warm shower, something gentle that does not cause a great impact on your body. When we wake up in the morning, it is usual that, to relax, to tone the muscles and improve circulation in the legs, we prefer a cold shower.

In case you had a bad night’s sleep, it will not be suitable. The reason? It is very likely that you feel weak, that your body temperature is lower than usual due to fatigue and discomfort … So, the last thing we should do is submit to extreme temperatures, neither too cold nor too hot, although not there is scientific evidence to support this relationship.

2. A nutritious breakfast after a bad night’s sleep

bad night's sleep

It is very likely that you woke up a little dizzy and with a headache, so you should pay special attention to what you are going to have for breakfast. Therefore, you need a nutritious breakfast after a bad night’s sleep. A breakfast that meets your basic needs at that first moment of the day. In addition, you can also take it into account for the days when you sleep properly, as it will provide you with many nutrients.

We give you some options that will help you feel better:

Option 1

  • A natural orange juice, mixed in turn with the juice of half a lemon.
  • An omelette with spinach.
  • A bowl of Greek yogurt with half a banana and three walnuts.

Option 2

  • A cup of coffee.
  • A salad with a chopped boiled egg, 3 cherry tomatoes, along with a slice of rye bread with a few drops of olive oil.
  • A green apple cut into small cubes, with three walnuts.

Option 3

  • A natural papaya juice.
  • A whole grain sandwich with some turkey breast or tenderloin and some spinach.
  • A diced plum with two walnuts.

Option 4

  • A glass of nut or almond milk.
  • A bowl of oatmeal with kiwi and strawberries.
  • A whole grain sandwich with a boiled egg cut into slices along with a few pieces of avocado.

3. Don’t reinforce the discomfort

bad night's sleep

When we have had a bad night’s sleep, we often feel very discouraged and complain about this situation. Therefore, if we focus exclusively on all these negative thoughts, we will increase the discomfort even more and it will cost us more to move forward. Rumination, according to studies, only contributes to reinforcing discomfort. Take note of what you should do:

  • You can vent to someone by commenting on the bad night’s sleep you have had (your partner, a co-worker). Now, try to make it something specific, and without dramatizing. In fact, you should focus your spirits on that day ahead.
  • Give your body time. If you wake up with a headache, have breakfast first and wait to see how you feel at noon, before resorting to the classic pain reliever.
  • You’ve had a bad night’s sleep, but that doesn’t mean you should have a bad day. Put on an illusion for the end of your day, something simple that makes you happy (buy something, go for a walk, go to dinner …).

4. The importance of a nap at noon

bad night's sleep

If in your daily work you have the opportunity to have a rest at noon, never forget to take a short nap whenever you have had a bad night. It helps us regain strength, clears us up and allows the brain to reinforce its functions by finding that moment of rest. In fact, therein lies  the importance of a nap at noon.

In addition, 20 minutes is enough, a short period of time that will do a lot for your health. You will see how you wake up more clear and wanting to continue with the day. However, try not to take more than a half hour nap. Otherwise, you can get to sleep too much and interfere with your night’s sleep again.

5. Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day

When we have a bad night, our body has accumulated numerous toxins, since it has not been able to purify itself properly and, in addition, it needs to rehydrate. It is very common, for example, that after a sleepless night we wake up with bags under our eyes, with very heavy, swollen legs … So, drink plenty of fluids throughout the day. Do not hesitate and put these tips into practice:

  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day. The best way to do this is with small sips every 15 to 20 minutes. In this way, your body will cleanse itself and you will feel much better at the end of the day.
  • You can drink water, herbal teas and even mix a little lemon juice in your water bottle. It will help you feel better and more clear.

    In conclusion, we have shown you some efficient remedies that will make your day more bearable after a bad night’s sleep. They will be very effective especially if it is due to occasional insomnia. However, in the event that your insomnia is chronic or complicated, we recommend that you go to the doctor or psychologist to have it treated.

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