The Big Step Of Starting To Be Honest

We lie to each other many more times than we think. However, we do not realize or do not want to realize this fact. However, accepting it will be a great step to begin to be honest with ourselves and achieve balance in our life.

We always tend to think of others first. Therefore, we think that honesty is something to practice with other people. But what about ourselves?

Below we will discover through examples on which occasions we lie to ourselves and what we can do to redirect this negative attitude towards ourselves.

Starting to be honest implies acceptance

Honesty as a way of life

To start being honest we have to start accepting certain things that, out of inertia or fear, we tend to deny or reject.

For example, imagine that we have an excessive preoccupation with food and our environment alerts us to it. However, we ignore and scoff at the situation.

Is it really to make fun of or are we hiding a problem we have? The circumstances will not improve, but will get worse, and we are the ones who will be affected. Do we really want to hurt ourselves?

There are many things that we refuse to accept, either because we do not like them or because we refuse to see reality. The above is a pretty clear example, but what about relationships?

If a friend comes to tell us that she thinks our partner is not good for us, we may get angry and it may even end our friendship.

However, in time, we may discover that this friend was right, but we were so blind that we did not want to open our eyes. We refuse to see reality!

On many more occasions than we think, we refuse to admit what we know to be true. We believe that putting on a blindfold will make everything easier. But is not. The situation worsens.

Let’s admit that we are not perfect

Sometimes, to begin to be honest, we have to do a lot of belief-changing work regarding what we consider negative.

Have we ever rejected failure? Have we sunk by making a mistake? This happens because we have not been taught to see the positive side of these circumstances.

A failure or a mistake is like a stain. We are no longer perfect! However, who is? Human beings make mistakes, but do we know why? Because we are destined to learn.

Only with the error, with what makes us feel bad, can we be aware of what is happening and make decisions that take us to new directions.

When everything is going well for us, we do not notice the small details. We overlook many things. However,  a mistake, a failure or a stumble is not something to be ashamed of, but something to get rich from.

Let’s be honest. Let us admit that we are imperfect and that this is good. Let’s always try to see the other side of the coin. Our life will change radically.

Let’s stop hitting the blind

We are not perfect

When we put on a blindfold and refuse to see reality, it can seem that we are aimless, reckless, without apparent goals. However, that is better than facing terrible fear.

We have many fears. Fear of being alone, of failure, of uncertainty, of what they will say, of not being accepted …

  • Beginning to be honest implies going over these fears, looking at them head-on and understanding what they mean to us.
  • Many of our fears are learned and others, instead, are the result of experiences that have marked us in a very deep way.
  • It does not matter where the origin of that fear has been. What matters is that we admit we have it! Only then can we overcome it.

As you have seen, being honest with yourself can be the solution to many problems that raise barriers and walls in your life.

Starting to be honest is not very difficult. We just have to change our perspective and, in that way, we can also change our life. From here we invite you to try it and make your life better.

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