The 8 Best Beauty Tips For Your Skin And Hair

We care about the health of our skin and hair, as they contribute greatly to our personal image. It is very important to give them certain care every day and provide them with proper nutrition. Thus, we can  deal with the factors that can weaken them and accelerate their aging process.

To address this need, the cosmetic industry has developed a large number of products, treatments and techniques that are intended to counteract damage and enhance your appearance so that you appear radiant.

However, there are other natural cares and alternatives that are worth considering. These  play a decisive role in restoring hair and skin  and preventing the most frequent problems.

Here are the best hair and skin care tips.

Use cold water to protect skin and hair

The hot water baths are very relaxing and pleasant. But these are not the best option if you want healthy hair and skin.

The heat of the water causes dryness and destroys natural oils. Therefore, it makes the skin more susceptible to skin problems.

Instead, cold water acts as a natural tonic. It is ideal for maintaining the firmness of the skin and preserving the natural pH of the hair.

Avoid sun exposure to delay aging

Prolonged exposure to the sun has serious effects on beauty. UV rays destroy and cause alterations that are often irreparable.

It can cause burns and blemishes on the skin that, if left untreated, can lead to skin cancer.  With respect to the hair, it causes it to lose its natural oils, weaken and fall out.

In both cases it is very important to use a sunscreen. We must also try to perform a restorative treatment after having received sunlight for a long time.

Moisturize with coconut oil to repair damage

It is essential to keep skin and hair properly hydrated.

One of the ideal natural ingredients to hydrate and regenerate skin and hair is the popular coconut oil. It contains vitamin E and essential fatty acids. In addition, it has  antibiotic and antioxidant properties that nourish, repair and provide hydration.

Its constant application helps to reduce the impact of free radicals. Therefore, it prevents premature aging.

Eat a balanced diet to nourish ourselves from within

Although many times we ignore it, the type of diet we eat is reflected throughout the body.

For everything that has to do with aesthetics, it is very important to adopt a balanced diet. This should include foods rich in antioxidants (such as vitamin E), water, fiber, and minerals.

The consumption of foods rich in saturated fats, sugars and refined flours is reflected from head to toe. To top it off, it can also lead to chronic health problems.

Drink nutrient-laden juices and smoothies

To ensure the health of our entire body we must ingest all the necessary nutrients.

For beauty, and for health in general, it is very important to support the work of the purifying organs of the body. These are responsible for filtering and eliminating toxins that accumulate.

Fruit and vegetable juices and smoothies are packed with nutrients and antioxidant compounds that stimulate detoxification. Thus, they help us prevent diseases and improve the appearance of the skin.

Among the most recommended ingredients are:

  • Green leafy vegetables.
  • Beet.
  • Carrot.
  • Apple.
  • Blueberries
  • Lemon.
  • Ginger.
  • Strawberries.

Exercising regularly

Physical exercise is one of the best habits to maintain health, beauty and youth. By perspiring, the body releases toxins and oxygenates cells to repair them and improve skin health. Exercising at least 30 minutes a day contributes to cleaner, smoother skin and stronger hair.

Eat omega 3 fatty acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are an essential nutrient that the body cannot synthesize on its own. Fortunately, it can be absorbed through the consumption of certain foods.

They are associated with good heart health, but also with the best condition of the skin and hair.

When the body does not absorb sufficient amounts of this nutrient, hair loss and drying of the skin can occur.

Foods rich in omega 3 include:

  • Blue fish (salmon, trout, sardines, among others …).
  • Seed oils.
  • Flax and sesame seeds.
  • Nuts.

Drink enough water

Water is the healthiest drink for the body and also plays a decisive role in skin and hair care. Therefore, experts recommend  drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.

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