The 6 Best Vegetables To Detoxify

There are people who when they feel bloated, heavy and even with a few extra kilos, look for a way to improve their eating habits. And when it comes to organizing your menu for each day, you may be wondering which are the best veggies to detox.

There are many vegetables that, in addition to being sources of dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, contain antioxidants and other bioactive compounds that are beneficial for health.

However, those who go in search of detox, usually choose vegetables that stand out, above all, for their water, fiber and antioxidant content. For several reasons:

  • They are low in calories.
  • They help satiate the appetite, hydrate and prevent cravings for eating.
  • As they have a high water content, they have a certain diuretic effect, which helps to eliminate retained fluids, the respective swelling and the feeling of heaviness.

Brief clarification

Although, detoxifying vegetables are an excellent option to vary and improve the diet when the goal is to always eat healthy, it must be remembered that in no case is it advisable to base the diet only on the consumption of vegetables or any other food group.

Any healthy diet must be varied, balanced and sufficient to be able to provide the body with everything it needs to function properly in every way.

Therefore, detox vegetables should never be eaten as the sole food source. They must always be taken within the framework of a balanced diet, in which other food groups are present.

6 detox vegetables you can eat

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) and the 5 a day Association, the best vegetables that you could include in your diet when you want to improve your eating habits are the following.

1. Carrots

According to FEN experts, carrots are a source of vitamin A and carotenoids with provitamin A activity. To a lesser extent, they also provide a certain amount of vitamin B6, C and minerals such as iron, iodine and potassium.

The experts of the 5 a day Association indicate that it is also worth highlighting its contribution of folic acid (vitamin B9), a vitamin necessary for the normal functioning of various physiological functions.

2. Eggplants

According to FEN experts, eggplants are a source of protein and flavonoids. In addition, the skin contains nasunin, an anthocyanin with antioxidant action, therefore, they are foods that can even contribute to the health of the skin.

For their part, the experts of the 5 a day Association comment that “some flavonoids present in eggplant can help lower cholesterol levels, by modulating their metabolism and increasing its excretion”

There are many ways to take advantage of them in the diet to detoxify the body and all of them are delicious. Eggplant lasagna is usually the most chosen option, although there are those who have been encouraged to prepare drinks with this vegetable.

3. Pumpkins

According to data from the FEN, pumpkins are a source of protein, vitamin C and carotenoids. They have a delicious flavor (very suitable for those with a sweet tooth, because it has a certain sweet touch), and it combines perfectly with different types of cheese and even tofu.

Satiating, nutritious and, at the same time, detox, pumpkin is an excellent option to complement your diet in a healthy way.

4. Cucumbers

Due to their high water content, cucumbers are light and refreshing, and for this reason they are considered the best vegetables to detoxify the body.

According to the experts of the FEN, it is not possible to affirm that they are a ‘rich source of nutrients’. However, they do provide a certain contribution of potassium and vitamin C. On the other hand, experts point out that:

5. Celery

chopped celery

Celery, like cucumber, is considered one of the best vegetables to detoxify, since it also has a high water content and a low caloric intake. 

The FEN indicates that celery is a food that provides a certain amount of protein, potassium and flavonoids. Regarding the latter, the experts of the Association 5 a day indicate that they are “compounds with antioxidant activity and diverse biological functions.” 

6. Beetroot

The FEN indicates that beets are a food that provides protein, fiber, potassium and folates. Also, “it is a good source of fiber (one serving covers 17% of the recommendations for men and 25% for women).”

It can be enjoyed in many ways, including in smoothies, juices, and general smoothies. Therefore, it is very easy to take advantage of in the diet.

Fruits and vegetables: foods that should not be missing in any diet

In general, neither fruits nor vegetables should be missing from any diet, since they are foods that provide multiple nutrients (and therefore benefits) to the body. In addition, they are excellent companions for all kinds of recipes and provide variety and richness to the different preparations.

It is always worth taking advantage of them, not only when it comes to detoxifying the body naturally or wanting to lose weight.

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