Simple Exercises To Treat Sore Hands

Sore hands can be treated, whether the discomfort arose from one cause or another, such as an injury, arthritis, or carpal tunnel syndrome. How? In a very simple way: through some exercises. It involves making several smooth movements, repeatedly. Let’s dive deeper into it below.

Contrary to what many people think, giving your hands some movement can help relieve discomfort. Of course, it should be carried out with care and moderation to avoid making the discomfort worse.

Below we will tell you which are the most appropriate exercises to treat hand pain. They will allow you to relieve inflammation and improve mobility.

Most common causes of sore hands

Some people think that pain in the hands is a matter of age and, especially, osteoarthritis or arthritis. Nothing is further from reality. One of the most common causes is, for example, carpal tunnel syndrome.

Having repetitive manual work, such as in a store handling and cutting food, working on a computer or sewing, can cause the median nerve to be very tight in the carpal tunnel, which, in general, is already for women. yes it is very narrow.

It must be taken into account that this nerve allows motor and sensory functions to the thumb and the three middle fingers, hence the lack of functionality and pain. Also, keep in mind that anyone can suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome, regardless of age.

causes sore hands

Other causes of sore hands include the following:

  • Arthritis is inflammation of a joint and can affect both the wrist and fingers. The origins of this inflammation can be centered in the tendons, the ligament or in the synovium.
  • Gangliolar cysts are very painful lumps in which fluid accumulates in the hand of benign origin. The cyst is usually seen with the naked eye, causing irritation and mobility problems.
    • Another cause related to sore hands is undoubtedly  tenosynovitis. It is caused by an inflammation of the lining of the tendon sheaths due to overuse or injury. It can even be related to diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis.

    Exercises for sore hands

    Once we know the cause of sore hands, we will follow the guidelines that doctors recommend. It is always necessary to know the origin, because if what we have is an injury, in these cases, it may not be convenient to perform any exercise.

    Now, since the most common cause of these problems is almost always osteoarthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome, these exercises will always come in handy. The joints will regain mobility, we tone the muscles and we regain the lost elasticity of the cartilage.

    Exercise 1: extension of the thumbs on a table

    This exercise is as simple as placing your hands on a table, clenching your fists, and stretching your thumbs. Stretch and hold for 30 seconds, then relax.

    • Stretching helps increase range of motion and promote elasticity in muscles and tendons.
    • We recommend doing this simple exercise slowly but persistently, going only as far as the discomfort allows.

    Exercise 2: make the letter “O” with your fingers

    This simple-looking exercise makes us use a large number of muscles, tendons and joints. It implies a great complexity whose effects you will notice instantly: you will perceive a certain tension, therefore, and once again, it will be convenient to go as far as the pain leaves you.

    When you make the “O” shape with your fingers, try to stretch the rest of the fingers, thereby increasing the elasticity.

    Exercise 3: raise your thumbs on a table

    As simple as it may seem, this exercise will force us to improve the mobility of the wrist and offer flexibility to the joints of the fingers. To do this, you just have to put your forearm on the table with your hand on the edge and raise your thumbs up.

    Remember to rest your wrists on a towel so you don’t overload yourself. Repeat this exercise 20 times.

    Most recommended exercise: knitting by hand


    Knitting by hand is one of the most recommended manual exercises to enhance the mobility of the hands and combat stiffness. In fact, there is already a type of therapy called ‘lana therapy’.

    In addition, this activity will enhance our concentration, creativity and help us fight stress. Knitting by hand is fashionable and it is not just a thing of our grandmothers, it is something therapeutic that can do a lot for our physical and emotional health.


    To treat sore hands, it is essential to follow the instructions of doctors and avoid carrying out activities without their consent. Likewise, it will be convenient to consult about the type of medications to take.

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