Recommendations For Hypothyroidism

In addition to going to the specialist to offer us personalized treatment, it is convenient to include foods rich in iodine in our diet to facilitate thyroid function

Hypothyroidism is a condition that, according to the World Health Organization, affects 2% of the population around the world and that can considerably condition the quality of life of those who suffer from it. For this reason, we give you some recommendations for hypothyroidism that may be useful to you.

According to the US National Library of Medicine, the most common cause of hypothyroidism is an alteration of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for regulating metabolism through the production of thyroid hormones.

By releasing these hormones into the blood, digestion, circulation, respiration, temperature, body weight , and other functions are regulated . When you have hypothyroidism, the gland does not produce enough thyroid hormones so the body cannot function normally.

If you feel weak, pale, swollen in some parts of the body, excessive menstrual bleeding, hair loss, depression, constipation and / or hypertension, you may have hypothyroidism.

The American Thyroid Association indicates that hypothyroidism has no cure, but it can be controlled. To do this, the affected person receives the missing thyroxines through pills. In these cases, the endocrinologist must recommend the exact dosage to ensure that the proper amount is replaced.

In addition to this, the body could be helped with routines that contribute to better health of the thyroid gland. The essential thing would be to provide the body with enough vitamins that it needs. It would also be advisable to lead a stable life, with exercise routines and healthy eating.

Recommendations for hypothyroidism

The reality is that there is no study that supports a certain diet to improve hypothyroidism. However, experts often recommend making some dietary changes that are supposed to favor those who suffer from this condition.



Iodine is an essential mineral for the body, and it is recommended mainly to ensure good hormonal activity. Different investigations have proven that iodine deficiency can cause hypothyroidism.

In this case we have to know that the foods richest in iodine are those from the sea, that is, fish and shellfish. For this reason, we advise you to try to include some of these species in your weekly diet.


There are vegetables and greens that you could also incorporate into your regular diet due to their iodine content. Among them, we highlight the onion, beet and cucumber.


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Oats also have a high iodine content and, thanks to its high level of fiber, it would help regulate hormonal function, lower cholesterol, give a feeling of strength and a good mood.

Consume pennyroyal

Alternative medicine uses pennyroyal as a way to regulate thyroid function. This recipe is super simple. Place a spoon of pennyroyal leaf in a cup of boiling water, add honey to give it a better flavor and add other nutrients to the drink. Take two cups a day.

Get vitamin D

Several studies show that people with hypothyroidism tend to have low levels of vitamin D, which is why they associate a deficiency of this vitamin with the disease. In addition, with increasing weight and age, people with hypothyroidism would increase their lack of vitamin D.

To prevent this, it is recommended that you consume foods with vitamin D. Some of these are fish oils, fish such as salmon, sardines or tuna, dairy products, eggs, mushrooms, legumes and vegetables.



St. John’s wort is especially recommended to reduce depression and pessimism. As we have said, hypothyroidism in addition to producing deficiencies in the body, it also produces deficiencies in the nervous system and the mind. For this reason, it is usually recommended to include it in the diet.

Our latest recommendations for hypothyroidism include seeing your doctor and playing sports regularly. A good option could be yoga, as it helps lower stress levels and helps keep the mind healthy and balanced.

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