Recipes For A Delicious Cream Of Leeks With Asparagus

Enjoy our recipe for cream of leeks with asparagus at any time. It is a succulent dish that can satisfy you as a first course at lunch or dinner. Its preparation does not involve many ingredients and it will not take a long time either.

Leek soup with standard asparagus

Coinciding with information published in the Handbook of Herbs and Spices , leeks are part of the Alliaceae family . They have a milder and more delicate flavor than onion, although their texture is thicker. However, beyond this, it is a food that is valued for its nutritional quality.

Now, in this recipe we enhance its qualities with green asparagus, a food rich in functional components that, as highlighted by a study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry , could be beneficial in reducing the risk of problems such as hypertension.

The first recipe will be a basic version of a cream of leeks and asparagus. To prepare it, we will need the following ingredients:

  • Water
  • Salt
  • 20 leeks (1 kg)
  • Olive oil (to taste)
  • 1 medium bag of potatoes (500 g)
  • 24 green asparagus buds (240 g)
  • 12 slices of bread, white or whole wheat


  • The preparation of this first recipe will begin by cleaning the leeks well, rubbing them under running water to remove all traces of pesticide and soil. Meanwhile, we put water to boil in a pot and, when it reaches the boiling point, we add the chopped leeks together with the peeled and chopped potatoes.
  • After this, add a drizzle of virgin olive oil and a touch of salt, and let the vegetable mixture cook for about 30 minutes. We can control the doneness by checking if the potatoes can be cut with a wooden spoon, without exerting too much force.
  • Once the vegetables are ready, we take them out of the pot and put them in a blender glass. We will grind the mixture until there are no lumps and, to obtain a finer texture, we will pass the whole through a “Chinese” type strainer.
  • Reserving this mixture, we cook the asparagus yolks for a minute and, after this, we will add them to the previous cream. Its mild flavor and soft texture will go well with cream.
  • To finish, we can serve the mixture in a deep plate or in bowls, and place some bread croutons on top. These can be prepared by cutting the bread slices into cubes and frying them with hot olive oil in the pan for a few minutes.

Leek cream recipe with asparagus and salmon

This second recipe, similar to the previous one, adds some new nuances thanks to the taste of salmon. In addition, according to information published in the scientific journal Atherosclerosis, salmon is beneficial in reducing cardiovascular risk. 

To prepare it, we will need:

  • Salt
  • Water
  • 4 leeks (200 g)
  • Olive oil (to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon of curry powder (5 g)
  • 8 wild asparagus buds (80 g)
  • 1 package of smoked salmon (200 g)


Salmon fillet with vegetables

  • To prepare this second recipe, we will start by washing the leeks in a similar way to the first step of the previous recipe. Next, we will sauté the leeks together with the asparagus yolks in a medium saucepan, with all the elements cut into slices.
  • Once they are golden brown, reserve some asparagus slices to serve as a garnish, and add the potatoes to the rest of the mixture. Previously, we must have peeled and cut these potatoes into small cubes.
  • We let the mixture heat up for a couple of minutes and, after this, we cover the whole with water until the level exceeds the vegetables in a couple of fingers. We will wait for the water to start to boil and let the whole cook for about 20 minutes.
  • After this time, the vegetables will be quite soft, so we will put all the mixture in a blender glass and we will crush it until all possible lumps are eliminated. When we have obtained a creamy texture, we will reserve the contents of the glass.
  • On the other hand, we pour another drizzle of olive oil into the pot and sauté the asparagus that we had previously set aside again. To these asparagus slices we will add the teaspoon of curry to get a different flavor and, if we think it’s necessary, a touch of salt.

Dish presentation

To conclude, on a plate or on a separate board, we will cut the smoked salmon fillets into small squares. To serve the dish, add the cream from the blender glass to a bowl and place small cubes of bread on top.

In addition, with these two recipes we can prepare some delicious dishes of cream of leeks with asparagus. The first, somewhat simpler, is a standard vegetarian cream recipe. On the other hand, the second combines the flavor of vegetables and the smooth texture of the cream, with the pleasant flavor of smoked salmon.

Either one will please any diner and will allow us to complement a meal with a great first course, or to prepare the main course of a delicious dinner.

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