Prepare A Delicious And Healthy Homemade Almond Nougat

Christmas sweets are so delicious that they shouldn’t be exclusive to these dates. However, we would have to look for healthier alternatives to be able to eat them from time to time without regrets. For this reason, in this article we propose to make a homemade almond nougat without sugar or hydrogenated fats. Learn how to prepare it!

Can we make a healthy nougat?

Nougat are unhealthy sweets because they tend to contain a lot of sugar and harmful fats like margarines and hydrogenated oils. Instead, nuts are very healthy and complete foods, rich in vitamins, minerals, protein, essential fatty acids and fiber.

To make this homemade nougat we propose to eliminate the less healthy fats and replace them with extra virgin coconut oil, which is a food with recognized properties. In addition, we recommend eliminating sugar and using stevia, a natural, calorie-free sweetener instead.

Almond properties


The almond is a very complete and healthy food, rich in vegetable protein, healthy fats and fiber. It also contains a good amount of calcium, making it an excellent alternative to milk to prevent osteoporosis.

This nut also allows us to balance cholesterol levels and blood sugar, so it is a good remedy to prevent cardiovascular disease. This is stated by this research from the Public Health Foundation of India.

Coconut oil benefits

Coconut oil is becoming more and more popular because, according to this study from Chang Gung Hospital (Taiwan), it is a powerful anti-inflammatory.

In addition, it has the virtue that we can use it to cook without altering it, making it one of the best options in the kitchen, along with olive oil. Coconut oil is ideal in any beauty treatment, to nourish our skin and hair.

Stevia properties

Stevia is a plant native to Paraguay and Brazil, although it also grows in China and Japan. In Paraguay, for example, it has been used since ancient times as a healing remedy for multiple ailments, as well as to naturally sweeten beverages.


  • It provides almost no calories.
  • According to this study by the University of Edinburgh, it would help regulate blood pressure.
  • If we cannot get it, we recommend opting for brown cane sugar, honey or agave syrup.

Homemade almond nougat

Almond nougat


  • 300 g of ground almonds.
  • 4 tablespoons (56 g) of extra virgin coconut oil.
  • 2 tablespoons (30 ml) of refined liquid stevia.

In dietetics we can find two types of stevia: a refined one with a transparent color, which has no flavor or medicinal properties, and another dark and denser, which is a healing remedy with a strong taste similar to licorice .

For cooking we will always use refined stevia, since otherwise it would alter the flavor of the recipes too much. Pure stevia is excellent in medicinal teas.


  1. If the coconut oil is at a temperature below 25 degrees Celsius, it will be in a solid state, so we will have to heat it in a water bath or microwave to melt. We will not let it boil so that it does not lose its properties.
  2. Once the oil is liquid, we will mix it well with the liquid stevia.
  3. Next we will add the ground almond. We can work it with a spoon or directly with clean hands.
  4. When we have the pasta well integrated, we will introduce it in a silicone mold or in a small tray.
  5. We will cover the container with plastic wrap and put the nougat in the fridge. The coconut oil will allow us to solidify and bind the homemade nougat well.
  6. An hour later, the nougat will be ready to be consumed.

Do you dare to prepare your own homemade almond nougat? Next Christmas you will surprise everyone with your delicious taste and you can even give it to your loved ones!

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