Precious Meringues

Meringue is a basic pastry staple. Next, we present the recipe and several ideas to get the most out of the meringue; this time in its mini version: merenguitos,  also called “sighs”.

In addition to being delicious on their own, they are the base of many other sweets such as millefeuille, filled cakes, etc.

Take note!

Precious meringue recipe


  • 5 egg whites
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch (optional)
  • 250 g icing sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla flavoring, lemon zest, syrup (optional)
  • Butter for greasing
  • 1 pinch of salt


  • 1 semi-circular deep bowl
  • Some manual or electric rods
  • Pastry bag with star nozzle
  • 1 silicone spatula
  • Oven
  • Baking paper


  • First, preheat the oven to 80-100ºC.
  • Also, prepare the tray with baking paper greased lightly with butter, to prevent the meringues from sticking .
  • Beat the whites until you get a foam.
  • When you see soft peaks, add the sugar and cornstarch in the form of a shower.
  • Keep beating until you get a firm meringue.
  • Then add the vanilla aroma, lemon zest or syrup.
  • Then, put the meringue in the pastry bag with the help of the spatula and start making your meringues on the baking tray.
  • Bake for approximately 1 hour to 1 hour and a half.
  • After time, turn off the oven and leave the meringues inside until they are dry, approximately they will dry in 1 hour.

Swiss meringue

Data of interest:

  • These meringues can last up to 3 months in an airtight jar.
  • Do not use sugar with a high degree of moisture. It is preferable to make icing sugar at home, you can get it with an electric grinder to grind coffee. Well, supermarket icing sugar has other additives and preservatives that can vary in color, flavor or texture.
  • One of the secrets to making perfect meringues is that the oven temperature is soft so that they do not get caught.
  • Always place the baking tray in the middle of it.


Variants for meringues

If you want, you can make your meringues in different colors. All you have to do is add food coloring. They are very elegant in pastel tones: light blue, yellow, pink.

Also, you can dip them in chocolate. All you have to do is melt chocolate fondant in the microwave and dip each peak of your dried meringue in the chocolate. Then, you let it dry and that’s it.

On the other hand, if you want you can make them in a cupcake tray, you will ensure that they all come out more or less the same size. If so, then don’t forget to grease the pan with butter.

On the other hand, if what you are looking for is to give them shapes such as pacifiers, flowers etc. , make the design on a silicone paper.

Finally, you can decorate them in a thousand ways: with a coffee bean on top, a strawberry … if you are going to decorate them, do not make them ending in a point because your detail will slip.

Meringue, there are different ways to serve and decorate them

Some recipes with your meringues

  • You can join 2 meringues and put a little pastry cream in the center, a very “chic” version.
  • Make meringues by making a hole in the middle and adding some berries or strawberries.
  • Another idea is to put them over a smoothie, a cappuccino, etc. It will delight your guests.
  • You can place them on a small tart with pastry cream and the meringue on top.
  • They also look great on a cupcake.

    A perfect snack

    If you want to make an “elegant” snack, put a bow on a tall white tray, for example, and place your meringues strategically and well studied. A good American tea and some mini muffins will do the rest.

    Tricks to make the perfect meringue

    • If you add a pinch of salt, they are assembled before.
    • For the whites to mount well, the eggs have to be at room temperature.
    • No piece of shell or yolk should fall into the whites, otherwise they will not mount well.
    • Never use the blades of the mixer, it is impossible to make meringue with them.
    • One trick to avoid going overboard or falling short on sugar is by weighing it. The sugar should weigh the same as the whites.
    • It is best to always use icing sugar.
    • Do not beat excessively because you can deflate the meringue.
    • The best bowl to use is a semi-circular deep bowl.
    • If you are going to use a manual whisk, it is better to be circular and made of plastic.
    • If you use an electric mixer, set it on high speed.

      Anyway, we hope you have fun with these ideas to make and serve some delicious meringues. They really combine with any occasion, family reunion or with friends, birthdays, etc.

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