Panic Attacks: Why Do They Appear? How To Remove Them?

Do you want to know how to improve the situations in which a person has a panic attack? Do not stop reading everything that we are going to tell you below.

There are people who suffer panic attacks at some point in their life. They often feel a sudden and intense fear that can last from minutes to hours. However, the good news is that these attacks can be learned to manage with professional help. Next, we explain more about it and give you some tips.

What are panic attacks?


A panic attack is an anxiety problem that can cause intense fear. The reasons why they appear are not yet clear. However, research published by the American Journal of Psychiatry suggests , you are more likely to suffer from it if you have a family history, for example. So it is possible that genetics are related.

It is twice as common in women as in men. In addition, symptoms begin to appear before age 25 and last until age 35. They can also occur in children, but are not diagnosed until a certain age.

The seizure or attack begins suddenly and usually reaches its peak within 15 minutes. In some cases, symptoms continue for an hour and are sometimes mistaken for a heart attack.

When a person has their first panic attack, they are likely to fear having it again; avoiding being left alone or without medical help.

Symptoms of a panic attack

For an episode to be considered a panic attack, experts from the United States National Library of Medicine explain that at least four of the following symptoms must be met in a short period of time:

  • Sickness.
  • Fainting.
  • Shaking chills.
  • Numbness.
  • Feeling of suffocation
  • Excessive sweating
  • Fear of losing control.
  • Chest pain or discomfort.
  • Feeling of irrationality.
  • Palpitations and rapid heart rate.
  • Difficulty breathing or hot flashes.

It is likely that a patient with panic attacks may suffer from depression or acute sadness. But it must be borne in mind that they cannot be predicted; since in the moments before the episode, the person is well.

Cognitive behavioral therapy to combat panic attacks

One of the most effective ways to deal with panic attacks and fight them in the bud is to contact a mental health specialist. In this sector, some of the investigated therapies are having favorable results. Specifically, cognitive-behavioral therapy.

As well supported by a study led by the expert Elia Roca, behavioral therapy is capable of long-term relief of even the most serious cases. Although it must be taken into account that this depends on each situation and on various factors; so we recommend that you inform yourself in detail about the case.

Home remedies and tips for panic attacks

  • There are several home methods you can try to try to alleviate symptoms, if your doctor says it’s okay.
  • Do not forget that the information here armored is indicative and that it can never replace the advice that the doctor gives you.

Breathing with a paper bag

Breathing into a paper bag helps calm anxiety.

At the time the attack is happening, put a paper bag in your mouth and breathe as slowly as possible.

Although there are some controversies because it is indicated that it brings negative effects to the body (by breathing more carbon dioxide than oxygen), the truth is that an investigation developed at the University of Indiana (United States) explains that it allows to relieve symptoms.

  • Both the mouth and the nose must be inside the bag.
  • In addition, you must repeat ten inspirations and exhalations at most.
  • Remove the bag, breathe for about 15 seconds, and repeat the process.

The effectiveness of this method is short-term, it slows down breathing and relaxes intense hyperventilation.

Manage stress

Panic attacks are related to stress and anxiety. Therefore, to avoid them, it is necessary to know how to control both feelings.

Exercising, swimming, cycling, yoga, or meditation can help. And this is used to release endorphins ; which positively influence the release of stress.

Discover: The benefits of sport in anxiety and panic

Consume natural supplements

Vitamin B and B6 supplements have been believed to be the most helpful in reducing anxiety, emotional instability, fatigue, irritability, and restlessness from panic attacks.

In this sense, according to a study published in 2019 by the Nutrients Magazine , it is true that they influence the mood of patients. But they have no scientific relevance in controlling anxiety, for example.

One way to get vitamin B into the body is with wheat germ (natural or in oil). And don’t forget to add  oats, almonds, walnuts and hazelnuts to a healthy diet. In turn, the consumption of calcium and magnesium has also been advised.

Drink a valerian infusion

Woman with white cup of tea.

As it appears in the naturopathic clinical guide to anxiety and panic attacks, valerian is a plant recognized for its tranquilizing properties. Relaxes the central nervous system and helps combat some symptoms. It also helps stabilize the heart pulse and is recommended in case of arrhythmias or nervous palpitations.

Take advantage of the benefits of plants

In relation to the above, valerian is not the only herb that can be used to relieve the characteristic symptoms of panic attacks. They also serve:

  • Ginseng: with properties to combat anxiety and stress.
  • Orange leaves: ideal for the nerves if drunk as an infusion, with two leaves per cup of boiling water.
  • Melissa: it is calming and helps to fall asleep.

And you? Have you ever had this problem? It is important to know how to best act in these cases. Learning to control it in time is key to avoid its development as soon as possible. However, if you have them repeatedly, you should go to the doctor. As you have seen, today there are different alternatives to face them safely.

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