Olive Oil Treatment To Strengthen Nails

We know that nails are an important part of our beauty and personal presentation, so the ideal is to have them well cared for and clean. Many women constantly seek to strengthen their nails to show off a more beautiful manicure and take care of their hands.

However, multiple tasks at work and at home can make our nails weak and brittle. This is a common problem, since the use of chemical cleaning products, lack of hygiene and many other factors to which we are exposed can directly affect the health of the nails.

Here are some keys and a good natural treatment to strengthen your nails and thus achieve the desired appearance. This excellent treatment uses the benefits of olive oil, so it is not difficult to prepare and is quite inexpensive.

Tips to strengthen nails

Increase protein intake

Consumption of protein to strengthen nails

Food plays a very important role in the care and health of our nails. The ideal is to increase the consumption of foods rich in protein.

For example, lean meats, chicken, fish, or legumes to strengthen nails. It is also good that you consume more calcium and vitamins A, B and C, present in fruits and vegetables.

Avoid contact with chemicals

Chemicals like detergents and soaps can weaken nails due to their toxic components. To take care of them, use gloves every time you clean or handle any of these products.

Keep nails short

File straight to strengthen nails

Long nails can look very nice but they break very easily. It’s best to keep them short or not too oversized so they don’t break when you do something with your hands.

In addition, you should always file your nails straight. It is better to file your nails rather than cut them with a nail clipper. It is recommended to file them straight to avoid ingrown .

Limit the use of nail polish remover

Nail polish removers have toxic components that can dry out and weaken the nails and cause them to break easily. Ideally, use it only once a week and in small amounts.

Avoid using hardeners and artificial nails

Hardeners seem like a good option to strengthen nails, but the truth is that they have chemical components that can lift your plate. As for the use of artificial nails, they look good but when they are removed they can also tear the surface and promote the appearance of fungus.

Get a manicure once a week

You don’t necessarily have to paint your nails to get a good manicure. Just go through the cleaning and cutting steps of the manicure and keep your nails healthy.

Repair nails quickly

When the nail breaks or breaks, the ideal is to file it immediately to mitigate the damage before it worsens. If the break is big and you want to save it, you can apply some nail glue and put a small piece of tea bag paper on top.

When you paste the paper, file the surface with a fine chamois. Finally, apply a little clear nail polish on top and you’re done. If you do not want to do this, it is best to file it completely and let it grow back, healthy.

Olive oil treatment to strengthen nails naturally

Olive oil treatment to strengthen nails

Olive oil is a product with moisturizing and strengthening properties that can help us to have healthier and stronger nails. The application of this product on the nails deeply nourishes them and gives them more vigor.


  • A little olive oil.
  • Fresh juice of an orange.
  • 1 garlic


  • Crush the garlic and mix it with the fresh orange juice in a bowl.
  • Then, in another bowl, you should put a good amount of olive oil.

How to use

  • Soak your nails in the orange and garlic mixture for about 10 minutes.
  • Then, soak them in the olive oil for another 15 minutes.
  • Do this treatment twice a week. You have to be consistent to get good results.
  • You can also soak your nails in olive oil more often for better results.
  • Another option is to apply some of the oil to your nails every night before going to sleep.

With this olive oil treatment you can take care of your nails in a natural, simple and economical way. Remember to eat a balanced diet full of vitamins, proteins, and minerals.

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