Mini Salmon Cheesecake

The mini smoked salmon cheesecake is a savory variant of the traditional chessecake. It is an option that you can use as a delicious dinner, accompanied by a salad or garnish.

Many people are unaware that the cheesecake is a preparation lends itself to a lot of variants and options within most unknown, are salty. It is the case of this recipe that we are going to prepare.

Make a mini salmon cheesecake

This mini salmon cheesecake teaches us that in the kitchen what counts is creativity. Knowing the behavior of the products, we can mix different ingredients to arrive at novel proposals. Do you dare to try?


  • 135 g of smoked salmon
  • 300 g cream cheese
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 130 ml of cream for cooking
  • 135 g of cheese cracker
  • 1 small lemon
  • Ground black pepper
  • Salt and rosemary
  • 65 g butter at room temperature


Slice of fresh salmon

This recipe is easy to make, you just have to pay attention to the preparation times and you will have it ready. The result, as you will see, is delicious.

  1. Start by crushing the cookies into crumbs.
  2. Add the melted butter in the microwave. Wait for it to cool and knead with your hands until you have the ingredients well incorporated.
  3. Take the opportunity to preheat the oven to 130ÂșC before preparing the filling.
  4. To make the filling, the first thing you should do is grate the lemon peel and then squeeze it. Reserve in a separate container.
  5. Take a deep bowl and add the cream cheese, cream, lemon zest and half of its juice. Stir until the ingredients are evenly incorporated.
  6. Now you must incorporate the eggs one by one, make sure that everything is very well incorporated. Season to taste and sprinkle with a little chopped rosemary to give it an exquisite smell.
  7. Cut the salmon into strips and reserve a few to decorate the cheesecake , the rest you can chop into smaller pieces and add them to the bowl where the other ingredients are, mix everything very well.

The final touch

Now that everything is ready, it’s time to take the last steps. Too easy. Take note

  1. In a muffin baking pan, put a layer of the crushed biscuit on the bottom  and press very well, this will make everything even and will be a good base for your mini salmon cheesecake .
  2. Then you should take the mold to the fridge and leave it for 10 minutes to take consistency.
  3. Take the mold out of the fridge and fill it with the cheese preparation that you have resting in the bowl. Make sure that everything is covered in a homogeneous way, so that it gives a good final finish to the cheesecake .
  4. Bake it for about an hour, making sure it doesn’t burn. After this time, turn off the oven and leave the tray inside until it has cooled down.
  5. Then take out your tray, remove the mold and proceed to decorate each of the cheesecakes with a strip of smoked salmon and a few branches of fresh rosemary.

Now you can serve your mini salmon cheesecakes. Surely you surprise everyone with them and they want to repeat.

Additional tips

Cookies to make mini salmon cheesecakes

  • If you use these ingredients, you will have enough for 10 servings. In case you need more, you just have to adjust the quantities.
  • If you don’t have the cupcake liners, you can use hoops to decorate. If you do not have any kind of mold, make them with aluminum foil, they will not have a precise shape, but you can give it a good finish.
  • Use a type of cookie that has a very strong cheese flavor.  You can use some salty or soda crackers, this will depend on your taste, but it will have consequences on your preparation.

And, in addition to all this, keep in mind that the texture that your cheesecake acquires will depend on how well you incorporate the ingredients in the bowl. Therefore, you should keep this in mind and beat generously, to achieve the fluffy texture that this preparation requires.

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