Mexican Cauliflower Rice Recipe

To make a delicious Mexican cauliflower rice is to opt for a recipe where the flavor prevails from the beginning to the end. This preparation stands out for the sensations it provokes on the palate and, at the same time, for being extremely healthy and recommended to accompany other ingredients. Mexican cauliflower rice is essentially a spicy vegetable. Instead, rice is a grain with some starch. In this recipe we substitute the original ingredient for a lower carb option.

This recipe is a good example of Mexican cuisine, beyond the well-known tacos and burritos.

Mexican cauliflower rice recipe

Ingredients for rice

  • 1 large cauliflower (500 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil (30 ml)
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper
  • 15 g of salt (1 tablespoon)


  • Put the oil to heat in a skillet over medium heat.
  • When hot, add the cauliflower and sauté for about 2 minutes, stirring with a wooden utensil.
  • Reduce the heat, cover the pan, and cook for another 8 minutes.

Ingredients for garnish

chiles for the Mexican cauliflower rice


  • 2 garlic cloves, skinless, minced
  • 1 white onion, minced
  • 100 g of cooked vegetables
  • 250 ml tomato puree
  • 1 serrano pepper
  • 2 pinches of ground black pepper
  • 1 branch of coriander, finely chopped
  • 15 g of salt (1 tablespoon)
  • Olive oil


  • Heat a little oil in a frying pan.
  • When hot, add the onion, cilantro, and garlic. Salt and pepper.
  • When the sauce starts to smell, add the serrano pepper.
  • Stir well and add the tomato puree.
  • Let it cook for 5 minutes over high heat.
  • Reduce the heat, add the vegetables and cook until the flavors are integrated.

The Mexican cauliflower rice can be served as a single dish or as a garnish.

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