Learn To Lose In Order To Win

Nobody teaches us to learn to lose. However, they do teach us to learn to win. To accumulate prizes, to get good grades, to be better than others.

What happens when the opposite happens? We feel like failures, worthless, and useless. Losing is a shame. A humiliating situation from which we try to escape.

However, we cannot always win. It is natural, especially when we are facing a stronger opponent or our skills have not had time to improve.

For example, it may not have been enough time to acquire the necessary stamina to allow us to win that race or that our opponent in that chess game is more skilled than we are.

Learn to lose in childhood

learn to lose in childhood

Learning to lose is a lesson that we have to be able to give our children from a young age.

It is in childhood when we can best see how much we are demanding of them and how they face the fact of losing.

Many children have a very low tolerance for frustration when they lose, either because they want to make their parents proud or because they see failure as intolerable.

It is in this stage of life that we have to teach them to lose. To accept that they will not always win, because life sometimes makes us lose in the most unique ways.

Losing is not something that only happens in games, at work, or in relationships when we can’t get someone to go out with us. Losing goes much further.

When children pass the stage of infancy they realize that life can make you lose loved ones or even things that you have achieved like that, for no reason.

It is then that they may deny reality, reject it, and have a hard time accepting it. All this because no one has taught them to lose.

The myths surrounding failure


Learning to lose can be very ironic to all those who consider this a failure. A stumbling block that marks people negatively.

However, we are wrong to think that we can only win. And, as in everything, for white to exist, black must exist, and thus, to win, you have to know how to lose.

We could never win if there was no such thing as being able to lose. However, although we sometimes see this as something negative, it actually has many positive things. Let’s uncover some myths:

  • Losing will make you a loser: The things that happen to you don’t define you, but the way you deal with them does.
  • You have failed and you will no longer be able to achieve it: Learning to lose allows you to understand that to be successful sometimes you have to fail repeatedly.
  • Losing is humiliating: The humiliating thing is losing and giving up.  However, getting up again and learning from the circumstances is a very valuable thing.

Many times, the people around us tell us that we cannot do something and we fail considering that they were right.

However, the reason for our failure may be because we made mistakes or were not heading in the right direction. Reflecting on this will allow us to learn and, now, to take a better path.

No way is easy

two ways

Learning to lose allows us to be aware that no path is easy. They all have their stones, their potholes and many more obstacles that will slow us down, urge us to back down or slow us down.

All of this has its own mission and is to teach us where to go, while testing our strength.

Let’s not be afraid of losing, because only thanks to this can we win. Winning because we will have reached the goal, but also because we have learned all the way.

The most valuable learning always comes in difficult moments. Those who make us draw strength from where we do not have it to realize how brave we are.

Let’s never give up for losing once.

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