Japanese Diet: Healthy Oriental Food To Lose Weight

Have you ever heard of the Japanese diet for weight loss? It is a form of diet based on the consumption of dishes made with fresh food (such as fish, seaweed and mushrooms), in small quantities, along with vegetable drinks and, of course, the star cereal of Japan: rice .

This diet is delicious and perfect for lovers of Japanese food, as well as the curious and for those who like exotic flavors. Are you one of them? In that case, you can try it.

The secrets of the Japanese diet

Before you start trying it, it is important that you know the secrets of the Japanese diet. Ready to discover them all? Let’s go with it!

The Japanese diet.

A very long-lived population with almost no obesity

That’s right, the statistics are there to show us how people in Japan live longer. And the key is not only in the diet, which is essential thanks to delicacies such as teriyaki  or  sushi . But also in their habits of life.

Despite being a highly work-oriented population, they know how to have strategies to rest, as this study published in the Journal of human ergology points out,  to enjoy nature, practice relaxation and assume small and healthy lifestyle habits in their day a day.

It is also not common to see obsessed people. In fact, only 3% of the female population has obesity rates, as pointed out by this research published in the Asia Pacific journal of clinical nutrition. How do they do that? Is it because of the raw salmon? For its sesame seeds, those that, they say, provide energy? The reality is that the Japanese follow some very simple guidelines that we are going to explain to you.

But how is the diet of the Japanese?

The first key is very simple, the Japanese always eat fresh food and in reduced portions. What does this mean? What dishes are characterized by quality and not quantity.

That is, no industrial food or ultra-processed edibles to heat in the microwave, no refined flours, fatty foods … Only fresh and natural food.

Another aspect to take into account is the way of eating. They eat slowly and complacently. Each bite is enjoyed without haste, enjoying it to the fullest. You never get to the empalago, they take great care in the presentation and in the visual game of the food. You eat not only with your stomach, but also with your eyes. This is very important.

Thus, it is said that the Japanese do not consume dairy. They are not very fond of bread or meat either. They are more inclined to rice, vegetables, and fish. Very fresh fruit is also essential, and always in small portions.

For the Japanese, the most important meal of the day is breakfast. They start the day with a variety of dishes that range from vegetables, rice, soups, eggs and the essential drink: green tea.

Also read: New healthy oriental ingredients

Staples in the Japanese diet to lose weight

Bowl of white rice.

Rice is basic. But, yes, if possible, always comprehensive. In a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, it  was observed that consuming brown rice versus white rice helped improve LDL cholesterol levels. However, there are many other essential foods in the Japanese diet:

  • Noodles: there are specialties that are ideal when including in our oriental diet, such as udon , somen , ramen … They have different measures and are made with different types of very healthy wheat and have hardly any carbohydrates. Many are suitable for celiacs.
  •  Fruits, especially apples, persimmon, and tangerines. Delicious, right?
  •  Fish like mackerel or salmon.
  •  Soybeans, millet, tofu are rich in calcium and proteins, some beneficial and healthy alternatives to dairy, which also have a high proportion of antioxidants, reduce bad cholesterol and prevent diabetes, as this publication of the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.
  • Green tea. Always essential due to the multiple benefits it brings to our health, as this study published in the Proceedings of the Japan Academy points out.
  • Vegetables : Eggplants, bean sprouts, red beans, mushrooms, cabbages, ginger, pumpkins, potatoes, bamboo shoots, radishes, and seaweed.

Examples of Japanese diet for weight loss

Here is an example of a diet that you could follow throughout a day. Japanese food offers many possibilities, it is not complicated to make and it is really tasty.

Remember that the essential thing is that all food is fresh, that you play with colors when assembling your dishes and that you eat slowly, enjoying each ingredient.

The diet that we present would be ideal for you to follow it, at least, for ten days a month. It is a way to eat healthy and to be able to lose weight. Take note!


For breakfast, you can have a tangerine accompanied by a cup of green tea, which has many beneficial properties for health.

You can also have a cup of miso soup. The ingredients can be found in specialized stores. It is a typical soup to take in the morning, it provides energy and little fat. It is made up of bonito broth, tofu, seaweed, miso (flavored paste made from soybeans) and a chive.


In this Japanese diet, to eat you can have a bowl of sushi (raw fish with rice), with soy sauce. Accompany it with a cup of noodles with mushrooms. For dessert, an apple and a cup of green tea.

Discover: Properties of green tea, a very popular drink


Take an assortment of sashimi (it is a dish of different types of fish), accompanied by soy sauce and wasabi (be careful with it because it is very spicy). You can also have a bowl of brown rice and an orange and a cup of green tea for dessert.

Is it advisable to maintain this diet for more than two weeks?

Keep in mind that the Japanese diet should not be adopted as a permanent way of eating. On the contrary, it should be used in a timely manner and always with the supervision of the doctor to avoid decompensation.

Bear in mind that if you drastically deprive the body of the food it is used to receiving, you can put your health at risk. Therefore, always try to follow the recommendations of your doctor or, failing that, the nutritionist.

Additionally, keep in mind that for the Japanese diet to be a success, you must be inspired by other lifestyles of the Japanese : meditating, walking and cycling, appreciating the moment and enjoying the simplest things in life.

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