Is Dairy Bad For Your Health?

In case cow’s milk makes us feel bad, it is possible to acquire calcium and other necessary nutrients through other foods, as well as plant-based milks

Are dairy good or bad? This is a very common query and at the same time, quite questioned. There are conflicting voices on the consumption of milk and dairy products after the age of breastfeeding.

Some argue that it is the only way to incorporate calcium into our diet. On the other hand, there are those who claim that it is not accurate and that humans are the only species that continues to consume milk after “weaning”. Learn a little more about it in this article.

Is it a myth that milk is good?

Since we are little they have put that idea into our heads: drink milk to grow healthy and strong. If you don’t eat cheese, your bones will be weak. If you don’t eat yogurt, your teeth won’t grow in.

In general, we tend to have a very positive view of these dairy products. However, some doctors are demystifying this idea.

Although dairy has many nutrients, they could be consumed through other foods. The main difference is that, in some cases, dairy could end up causing autoimmune diseases and allergies.

Lactose intolerance in milk can vary between 5% to 90% depending on the ethnic origin of the people, although 60% in general have some degree of intolerance.

Dr. Mark Hymman, author of the book “The Blood Sugar Solution,” strongly discourages drinking milk:

Some specialists, such as Keith Woodford, professor of agronomy at Lincoln University , New Zealand, consider that milk could trigger type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Other studies challenge this theory and say that the evidence linking milk with diabetes is not definitive nor forceful.


Milk and calcium

It is related to milk and derivatives with obtaining calcium, as if it were the only source to find it. The truth is that although dairy has protein and calcium, some studies, such as the one carried out by Channing Laboratories, in Boston, consider that they could be one of the causes of osteoporosis, because they would raise the acidity of the body.

Other studies, such as the one carried out by the Rue Micheli-Du-Crest University Hospital in Switzerland, contradict this theory by considering that the calcium in milk would help strengthen bones.

On the other hand, different investigations consider that excess milk intake would favor the possibility of fractures due to excess lactose sugar.


Dairy and children

During childhood, most parents often force their children to consume milk, yogurt, creams, cheeses, etc. Most of the calories come from either dairy or white flour.


Dairy consumption could increase the risk, according to some research, breast, genitourinary, neurological, digestive, autoimmune, allergic, skin, cellular, ophthalmological, rheumatic, nail, infectious, endocrine and hematological diseases.

According to Dr. Colin Campbell, emeritus professor of food biochemistry at Cornell University in New York, and scientific researcher, “casein from milk would be the most potent carcinogen there is.”

What to do against dairy consumption?

This article is not intended to spread panic or stop you from consuming dairy overnight. The idea is to give  different information than what we are used to traditionally reading or listening to.

No one denies that milk is delicious and that many recipes can be made based on it. The important thing is to make a more responsible consumption or exchange with other foods for a more balanced diet.


There are many options to moderate dairy consumption, without going vegan. Almond, millet or amaranth milk are considered a good alternative for health compared to cow’s milk.

This is because they do not have any additives, they can be consumed with cocoa, coffee or tea and they are delicious. They are prepared in minutes and are an excellent alternative to dairy products that are sold in stores. In turn, you can make tofu or seitan cheeses.

There are many vegetables that offer plenty of calcium, more so than meat or dairy. Swiss chard and other green leafy vegetables offer a good amount of excellent quality calcium with no side effects.

If you have children, you can intersperse the intake of dairy products purchased with others made by you. There are thousands of possible recipes for your little ones (and you too) to eat more wisely.


Images courtesy of Amanda Slater, Liz West, James Rintamaki, Stormz, US Department of agriculuture, Tetra Pak.

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