In The Midst Of All Difficulties, There Is An Opportunity

The world will break your heart in every way imaginable. That is guaranteed and has no explanation. Life is not always fair, but we must face the blows and understand that there is always an opportunity.

When your heart is broken you will have to rebuild it. Not only that: you will have to trust again and that is precisely the most difficult part. Despite all this, even if life breaks all your illusions, you must keep dreaming. You know why? Because if you don’t get excited, because if you don’t dream or love, what kind of life will you be living? Why do you want a life if you are not taking advantage of it?

You cannot live in fear all your life. Life is like this: you fall, you get up and you fall again. Let’s not forget that we must see the bright side of things and know that there is always an opportunity. It is waiting for us.

There is an opportunity that you must not miss

All opportunities mark our life, even the ones we miss. We may come across hundreds of stones on our way and stumble over them hundreds of times.

However, emotional growth is in cleaning them and building a house with them. Therefore, we must  take advantage of the difficulties and mistakes that we can make in order to draw a map of personal improvement.

Everything that seems dark behind shines for a part of us. We cannot miss every gift that life gives us.

Juan Salvador Gaviota

The story of Juan Salvador Gaviota, an example of resistance and persistence

In 1970, Richard Bach published one of the most beautiful novels in history: Juan Salvador Gaviota.  In it he recounted the life of a seagull that was not satisfied with what they told him he had to live because he was born a seagull.

His desire to excel and his courage decided the future he wanted to have. This eagerness made him fly beyond the impossible.  Although there were times when it fell apart, it persisted and endured. That was precisely what gave him victory over himself.

We have many things to learn from the history of this seagull. Among them, that when faced with a difficulty, we cannot seek to be right, but to have results. That is the only way to keep walking and to place our wings. Understanding that behind this there is an opportunity for us.

So if you fall, dust your knees and don’t bury your head. The only way to fly very high is by moving our wings and our minds together.

Valentina Photos

You can’t see the rainbow without a little rain

Good and bad always go hand in hand. The trails we walk on are uneven. Although they may have mud and even spikes that damage our feet, not everything is negative.

We understand that there is an opportunity and a need to show us things that without difficulty we could not see.

The most wonderful details are wrapped in that rawness. After life always comes death and, with it, a farewell. Heartbreak can win the battle against love and the most wonderful moments also have an end point.

This makes it especially necessary that we have to be attentive to the signs that life offers us, because there is always an opportunity. And, when we feel the need to do something, the best way to feel satisfied is to pursue our dreams until we achieve them.

For this reason, don’t hate tripping over the stone and don’t be afraid of losing something by trying to do different things.  Remember that in happiness there are also moments of anguish and sadness and simply live.

There is an opportunity: clear your mind of “I can not”

As paradoxical as it may be, the secret to success lies in the failures and the small gains we make from them . Therefore, clear your mind of the impossible, because your thoughts have the power to direct your life.

This is the reason why in this article we are going to propose a small guide to physical and emotional health that will help you to let go of your fears and achieve your goals:

  • Be allergic to negative thoughts and stay away from surrender. Giving up is never a real option.
  • As you may have heard many times, those who claim that it is impossible should not interrupt those of us who are trying. Therefore, free yourself from the words of toxic or pessimistic people.
  • Don’t think you have to try, think about what you are going to do. Do not give yourself the option to leave early: you are capable of achieving what you set out to do if you have the necessary determination.
  • Get rid of what wipes the smile off your face. Having reasons to smile is comforting and helps us to be happy.
  • Write each of your insecurities on a piece of paper and think about how you can get rid of them. Go erasing them as you go about it.

The power to grow and advance is in us. Therefore, it is very important that we offer ourselves the possibility of looking forward and achieving what we want in life.

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