How To Take Care Of Yourself At Home When You Have The Flu

Since flu can be lost with the flu, it is very important to consume plenty of water as well as isotonic drinks to replace lost mineral salts.

Influenza is one of the most common viral diseases in the population. Therefore, it is always useful to know how to take care of yourself at home when you have the flu (it is commonly called that).

It attacks the respiratory system and, unlike the common cold, it can be accompanied by episodes of high fever.

It is contracted by contact with the virus through particles of saliva and nasal secretions or, indirectly, by a contaminated element.

Symptoms can appear suddenly, in varying degrees of severity, according to the defense capacity of the immune system.

So, although the condition tends to heal on its own in several days, it is necessary to take into account some care to cope with it.

It is also important to mention that if the symptoms persist over time, despite the care, it is essential to see a doctor. It is he who can make an accurate diagnosis of what is happening and dictate the best treatment.

Causes of the flu

Flu viruses travel through the air in tiny droplets that infected people expel when they cough, speak, or sneeze. There are high chances of contracting them when, for some reason, there is some kind of close contact with them.

  • Germs can also be contracted by touching something contaminated and then putting your hands to your eyes, nose, or mouth.

Influenza viruses are constantly changing and new strains appear on a regular basis. This is why, although many receive the vaccine, they can suffer another version of the infection.

There is a high risk of complication when the patient:

  • Have a chronic respiratory disease
  • You have a condition that compromises your immune system
  • Are pregnant
  • You are a child or older adult

Flu symptoms

Flu symptoms

The clinical manifestations of the flu are rapid, hence its difference from the cold. Symptoms begin to appear 1 to 7 days after coming into contact with the virus.

High fever is one of the main signs of the flu. In general, this ranges between 38.5ºC and 41ºC.

Other symptoms include:

  • Muscle pains
  • Chills and sweating
  • Headache
  • Persistent, dry cough
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Nasal congestion and discharge
  • Throat pain

Tips for taking care of yourself at home when you have the flu

Most cases of the flu are mild and medical intervention is not necessary.

While pain relievers and antipyretic medications may be suggested to reduce the severity of your symptoms, there are also certain home care that can help.

Avoid contagion

It is important to wash your hands several times a day if someone in the house has the flu.

As a first measure, it is important to avoid spreading the infection to other members of the family.

Although it is not visible to the naked eye, the virus can pass from one organism to another in a matter of seconds.

  • If possible, the ideal is to keep the infected person isolated, or ask them to wear a mask.
  • She must use a tissue to absorb nasal fluids and particles that are expelled by coughing or sneezing.
  • It is important that you wash your hands several times a day, especially if you often have contact with items that others also use.

Do not use antibiotics

Careful! To take care of yourself at home when you have the flu, it is important that you do not self-medicate. Antibiotic medications are not indicated for the flu, as the flu is not caused by a bacterial infection.

Taking these drugs unnecessarily can lead to resistance to them, which represents a health hazard.

  • Some symptoms like fever can be reduced with over-the-counter antipyretics.
  • If there are complications, the doctor will decide whether to use antivirals.
  • Remedies designed for the relief of flu symptoms can be used (they are sold in almost all pharmacies).

Drink plenty of fluids

To take care of yourself at home when you have the flu, you should increase your fluid intake

This disease can be accompanied by a certain degree of dehydration, since the body will work harder to regulate temperature and fight viruses.

Therefore, in order to avoid decompensation, increasing your water consumption is one of the recommendations to take care of yourself at home when you have the flu.

  • In addition to water, there are mineral salts or isotonic drinks.
  • Broths, fruit juices, and herbal teas are a good option.
  • You can also use homemade serums or those sold in the pharmacy.

Prepare home remedies

Home remedies for the flu

The properties of some home remedies can soothe general discomfort, congestion and other symptoms derived from this condition.

They can be an alternative to conventional medications, or they can be used as a supplement.

Some effective options are:

  • Echinacea, elderberry or ginger infusion
  • Honey and lemon
  • Onion and honey
  • Eucalyptus steamers
  • Breast massages with decongestant essential oils

Are you facing the characteristic symptoms of this disease? Although you won’t be able to clear them right away, knowing how to take care of yourself at home when you have the flu will make it easier for you to cope.

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