How To Make Almond Butter?

For all those who are looking for a different way in their diet, this recipe for almond butter will come in handy.

  • It is ideal for breakfast or to eat something sweet when hunger strikes before dinner.
  • Almond butter is very healthy and nutritious, but also delicious.

What do almonds give us?

This fruit, whose scientific name is Prunus Dulcis,  contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.  Such as:

  • It is a great source of vitamin E.
  • Contains magnesium.
  • Copper.
  • Selenium.
  • Manganese.
  • phosphorus and zinc.

They are cultivated throughout the world.  However, in California, the United States, the center with the largest production of almonds on the planet is located.

With this butter, you will have an alternative to change the sweets and even the famous “peanut butter”.

  • By ingesting them cooked and processed, you will have better digestion and enjoy all their health benefits.

How to make almond butter?

Almond butter

The materials that are needed for this recipe for almond butter are very easy to find, you will surely have them at home:

Ingredients and utensils

  • 3 cups of almonds.
  • 1 plate for cookies.
  • Olive oil.
  • 1 blender.
  • 1 mortar

Steps to follow to prepare almond butter

The first thing to do is decide if you want the almonds to be toasted or not. In the event that if you wish, you will only have to:

  • We spread the seeds on the cookie sheet.
  • We put them in the oven at about 170 ° C for about 12 minutes, moving them from time to time.
  • We let them cool down to continue.
  • We can also boil them to remove the skin.
  • With the help of a mortar we grind the almonds until they turn into a powder. We can hit them first so that they break and the task is easier. We can do it inside a bag or cloth using a hammer, for example.
  • Add the two tablespoons of olive oil and mix until you have a creamy and homogeneous paste.
  • We process this preparation in the blender for a few seconds.
  • Then you can sweeten it with honey, stevia, or brown sugar.
  • There are people who prefer it salty, in that case, use sea salt. The third option is to add nothing to it.

Finally, pour the almond butter into a container that you can close hermetically, preferably glass, and store it in the refrigerator until you are ready to consume.

It is a more than simple recipe and above all, it will allow you to enjoy the properties of almonds and gradually change your diet for a healthier and more balanced one.

Since you know how easy it is to prepare almond butter, don’t miss out on preparing it to surprise your family and friends.

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