How To Make A Natural Scrub For The Face And Lips

Facial skin is quite delicate and requires some special care to look healthy. For this reason, we want to share with you a natural scrub that will promote the health of your skin.

Since ancient times, products have been created in order to cleanse the face of all kinds of impurities. One of those techniques became quite popular around the world and is now part of all beauty routines: exfoliation.

More superficially with  exfoliation  or deeper through a  peeling,  you can eliminate dead cells and renew the most superficial layers of the epidermis. You will get a smoother and more uniform skin.

Why is it important to exfoliate the skin?

Every day the skin is exposed to a large number of factors that can cause blemishes, acne or dryness.

UV rays from the sun and environmental pollution are the top two reasons why you lose your health. Although the skin has the ability to regenerate spontaneously every 20 – 28 days, sometimes there is an overload of dead cells that prevent this process from taking place properly.

This is where exfoliation plays an important role, as its ingredients  stimulate the removal of dead skin to lead to its renewal.

To understand its mechanism a little, we must review the structure of the epidermis. Inside it, we have the stratum corneum, which is the most superficial layer and the one that protects us from cold, heat and the outside world. It is mainly composed of:

  • the hydrolipidic membrane  : prevents transepidermal water loss and serves as a barrier against external agents
  • dead  keratin-rich cells (keratinocytes that have lost their nucleus and are now called corneocytes)
  • lipids, whose function is to bind these corneocytes whose function is of adhesion (as if it were “cement”)

Natural scrub for the face

A natural scrub is an excellent alternative to perform this treatment without suffering side effects. Commercial scrubs often have so many chemicals that they can cause irritations and other reactions.

This time we are going to prepare one specially designed for the face, which may contain hypoallergenic and moisturizing properties. However, it should be clarified that there are no scientific studies that support this information.

healthy skin

For this reason, it is also important to subject them to a light exfoliation that allows to remove all the dead skin so that adequate hydration occurs.

Taking into account that they are more sensitive and we should not apply aggressive products to them, this time we will share a very special recipe that thanks to its natural products can perform this task without causing negative effects.

In any case, it is advisable to consult a trusted dermatologist.


  • ½ tablespoon of powdered sugar (5 g)
  • ½ tablespoon of jojoba oil (8 g)
  • 1-3 drops of peppermint or vanilla oil


  • Prepare a mixture with all the mentioned ingredients and then apply it with gentle circular massages for one or two minutes.
  • Let it act for 3 minutes and then rinse.

Repeat it two to three times a week.

Tips for better results

As the purpose of this treatment is to improve the quality of the skin so that it looks young and renewed, it is also good to take into account some recommendations after its application.


Tone up

After finishing the exfoliation treatment of the face, it is ideal to apply a natural or conventional toner to seal the pores and prevent new impurities from accumulating soon.

Its main objective is to return the pH to the skin after the cleaning process, in addition to this it may have more properties depending on the active ingredients it contains, it can
have astringent, soothing, antiseptic properties.

This product has many benefits for the skin, since it complements its cleansing and gives it a firming action to prevent sagging and wrinkles.


To finish this routine with total success, you should use a mild hydrant cream that allows you to provide moisture to the entire face, including the lips, so that it does not dry out.

It should be noted that the objective of hydration through cosmetics that are applied to the skin’s surface is to provide it with a film of emollient action, protective against external factors such as cold, sun, pollution.

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