How To End Cellulite: 5 Alternative Solutions

To reduce cellulite, it is important to attack it from different fronts; combining natural allies with a diet and exercise routine.

Perhaps you have worried about reducing cellulite without knowing how to do it exactly. And is that lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle and poor diet are the main causes of its appearance. But also  e There are other factors that can influence (puberty, menstruation, contraceptive intake, pregnancy, menopause, etc).

Now that you know this, it’s time to talk about some possible alternatives for smoothing the buttocks and thighs. Put them into practice and learn to fight it.

Alternatives to reduce cellulite

Some people believe that cellulite is a collection of fat, but in reality it is a problem of the cells located in the superficial part of the dermis. During the transport of fat, these cells swell and explode; giving way to those small collagen nodules that cause the so-called “orange peel”.

Today, there are different methods to minimize it. But, to achieve 100% satisfactory results in each body, it is important to consult a specialist to make a proper diagnosis of the case.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we show you some natural remedies that could help reduce it at home. Aim!

1. Dry brushing

An option considered in the patent of the American Jeremy J. Shellman to reduce the cellulitis consists of exfoliating the skin by brushing. This method would provide balance to the connective or fatty tissue of the body.

However, although there is no scientific evidence at present that gives it complete efficacy, the truth is that it can be beneficial; since it tries to stimulate the circulation of the blood and the lymphatic system .

  • Ideally, use it on dry skin at least once or twice a day to help open pores.
  • You can do it at home by brushing yourself with a natural bristle brush, or go to a masseur.  

2. Consume garlic

Microbial agents, such as Staphylococcus aureus, play a fundamental role in the development of cellulite . For this reason, eating a diet based on antibacterial foods is able to reduce the problem.

Home remedies with garlic

Garlic is a recognized food, above all, for this property. And, as a study carried out in 2016 for the National University of Trujillo certifies, it favors the elimination of this bacterium .

  • We suggest you include 2 cloves of garlic a day. A good option is to combine it with honey or lemon to change its flavor a bit if you don’t like it.

3. Exercise

There are different types of physical activities, but research published by the International Scientific Journal of Kinesiology “Sports Science” highlights that the most recommended exercises to reduce cellulite are cardiovascular, bodybuilding and exercise. stretching .

  • During cardiovascular exercise, fats and toxins are eliminated through sweat. In turn, the heart and blood circulation are better oxygenated. 
  • Bodybuilding exercises would also help reduce cellulite and flaccidity. As you will develop volume in the muscles.
  • Finally, a good stretch favors the elasticity of the skin.

    However, it is important to find the activities that best suit you. And, for this, it is best to go to a specialist. 

    4. Calendula infusion to reduce cellulite

    The calendula It is recognized for its moisturizing and regenerating properties ; so it is used for medicinal treatments in the cosmetic industry. Taking this into account, it could also be a good home remedy to reduce cellulite.

    Take advantage of its benefits in the form of an infusion or cream. If you choose to drink it, just have a cup every day in moderation .

    5. Drink water

    Water is one of the best alternatives to reduce cellulite. This is because skin tissues need to hydrate to maintain themselves. 

    The ideal is to drink about 2 liters a day. In addition, you can also add lemon to drain the body of toxins and take care of the skin. 

    Are these remedies efficient to reduce cellulite?

    Perhaps you are looking to eliminate it completely. But you should keep in mind that the advice given here is not intended to replace a prescribed medical treatment. In fact, there are currently different efficient methods to get rid of this problem.

    Natural remedies are not miraculous; so it takes perseverance and patience to see results. How about? Tell us what options have been effective for you to reduce cellulite. And remember that, if you wish, you can also take advantage of several at the same time.

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