How To Do 5 Exercises Without Weights For The Back

To strengthen your back without going to the gym, you can do a series of exercises and stretches at home. These will help you work different muscles and reduce tension.

The back is one of the areas of the body that should be exercised regularly. In this region there are several muscles that support the spine in each of the activities we do. Therefore, the exercises without weights for the back that we are going to present will help you a lot in your daily activities.

Is that keeping these muscles in good condition contributes to maintaining good body posture. In addition, they also fulfill the function of protecting the vital organs that are located in the torso. In this way, strengthening these muscle groups reduces the risk of injuries and ailments not only after exercise, but also at any time in daily life.

5 alternatives of exercises without weights for the back

Physical exercise is directly related to chronic back pain, and this is proven by science. For example, a study published in the journal Anales del Sistema Sanitario de Navarra affirms that those who suffer from this pathology perform little physical activity or, if they exercise frequently, the work is of low intensity.

Likewise, a publication from the Mayo Clinic specialized medical site confirms that muscle weakness in the lower back or abdomen can be a cause of back pain.

The best thing about the work that we are going to present is that it is not necessary to use weights or gym machines to carry them out. We propose you to know some exercises without weights for the back that significantly increase the strength and resistance of this area of ​​the body.

1. Lumbar extension on the floor

lumbar extension

The lumbar extension stretch exercise on the floor  helps release tension in the back, especially in the lower area. According to a study published by the journal Spine , stretching should be part of the treatment of low back pain to achieve faster results.

The practice of these spinals allows to tone the muscles and reduces the appearance of ailments and difficulties in posture. It is done as follows:

  1. Lie on your stomach, with your arms and legs straight.
  2. From this pose, raise your arms and legs so that your back arches a little.
  3. Perform three sets of 10 reps each.

Another variation of this exercise consists of:

  1. Maintain the same posture, but alternate the elevations of the opposite extremities.
  2. That is, the right arm and left leg are raised first, and then the left arm and right leg.

2. Swimming without water

We call this exercise “swimming without water” because it consists of doing typical swimming movements, but taking advantage of any free space in the house. Quite similar to the previous work, it  can serve to increase support for the back muscles and thus reduce ailments.

  1. Lie face down on the floor, with your back relaxed and your arms extended to the sides.
  2. Do strokes as if you were in a pool. You can make a small semicircle – level with the ground – or raise your arms a little to stretch your upper body more.
  3. Do three sets of 12 or 15 repetitions each.

3. Rowing with elastic band

If you have an elastic band at home, you can do this exercise. Rowing is a classic strength workout that helps improve back posture while working your upper body muscles.

  1. Wrap the rubber band around your feet, or tie it to an object at elbow level.
  2. Sit on the floor, with your legs extended forward and your back straight.
  3. Take both ends of the band, with your arms extended towards your feet, and stretch it towards your chest without arching your back.
  4. Do three sets of 15 or 20 repetitions each.
  5. To increase the level of difficulty, shorten the band by tying knots.

4. Contralateral plank

This exercise, popularly known as superman, is an activity that tests balance and physical endurance. It is recommended to reduce back tension and to tone the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks.

According to research published by the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research , this exercise is the most effective for enhancing trunk stability, both in the abdominal and lower back areas.

  1. Get on the floor on all fours, with your palms on the surface and your knees bent.
  2. Raise and stretch your right arm and left leg, so that the body is supported by the opposite parts.
  3. Hold the pose for three to five seconds and return to the starting position.
  4. Repeat with the opposite arm and leg for 12 repetitions on each side.
  5. Complete three series.

5. Cat camel


The cat camel back stretch is a gentle exercise that helps improve control over the entire spine. In yoga, this position is called the cat pose.

According to a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine , yoga is a discipline that produces great relief in patients with chronic low back pain.

  1. Get on the floor on all fours, with your knees on the floor and your hands shoulder-width apart.
  2. Arch your spine up in a slow motion, hold for two to three seconds, then bring it down.
  3. Perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions each, taking a slow pace.

Take care of your back with good habits

Do you usually feel pain or tension in your back? Don’t you exercise this part of the body? Now that you know these simple weightless exercises for the back, include them in your routine. You will discover how good they are at avoiding injuries and ailments.

Also, keep in mind that posture and rest are very important to keep your muscles healthy. Adopt healthy habits and you will see it reflected in your general well-being!

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