Healthy Recipes With Betabel (or Beet)

Beets, or beets, are low in calories and have a satiating effect. In addition, it is a good cleanser for our body and, as if this were not enough, it has a fresh flavor that we love to combine in many of our dishes and even in our juices.

How about we learn some simple recipes to enjoy it?

It is a wonderful source of vitamins, fiber, and folate.  Therefore, it may be suitable if you suffer from anemia or constipation.

It is easy to find in our markets. In addition, it gives our dishes a touch of color and originality perfect for the whole family. Take note of the following recipes and take care of your health in the simplest way.

Beet, pineapple and cucumber smoothie


Ideal for a light dinner, it is low in fat, it has a satiating effect and as if that were not enough, we will have a good supply of vitamins. In addition, it is a simple recipe.

What do we need?

  • Oat bread
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 cooked beet
  • 1/2 chives
  • 1/2 clove of garlic
  • Olive oil
  • A pinch of salt

How do we do it?

  • First, we will start by toasting the oat bread slices. It is one of the healthiest breads, as it can help us reduce cholesterol and is low in fat.
  • Next, we will go on to make the avocado cream. We remove the bone and we take all the pulp to the blender with a teaspoon of olive oil, half chopped chives and a pinch of salt. We will try to obtain a very homogeneous mixture.
  • Now we will prepare the beet cream. It is very simple. We peel it, chop it and take it to the blender along with a little oil, half minced garlic and a little salt. We beat well.
  • Now we can prepare the sandwich. You just have to spread a layer of avocado, with the beet on top.

    Beet and cheese rolls


    What do we need?

    • 100 gr of cooked beets or beets
    • 80 ml oat milk
    • 1 egg
    • 70 gr of flour
    • 1 garlic
    • 200 gr of low-fat cheese

    How do we do it?

    • We start by passing the beet through the mixer together with a minced garlic, the egg (raw) with its white and its yolk, the oat milk and the 70 grams of flour. We try to obtain a very homogeneous dough.
    • Now we take a large frying pan and spread it with a little oil. Once it is hot, we spread the dough that we have obtained before and lower the heat. You will see that a kind of omelette is created. When you notice that little bubbles start to come out, you should turn it over. We let it cook for a few minutes.
    • When it is cold, we will spread on this beet omelette, the cheese we have chosen. In this way, you can put mascarpone cheese, or a low-fat one that is to your liking. Roll it up as if it were a cake, as you see in the image. Afterwards, you take it to the freezer for ten minutes, so that it takes consistency and it is easier for you to cut it.

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