Fun Exercises To Combat Childhood Obesity

Fighting obesity and sedentary lifestyle from a young age will be essential to prevent adults from developing different health problems. In addition, with physical activity you will also strengthen your self-esteem.

Childhood obesity has become one of the great social problems that continues to increase year after year. It is necessary to be aware of the seriousness of the issue to prevent many diseases derived from being overweight. In this article we present some fun exercises to combat childhood obesity.

The basis of a healthy lifestyle is diet and exercise. To do this, we must be well informed and try to avoid sedentary attitudes. In this way, the child will grow up with more intellectual and physical stimuli and will establish the principles of respect and caring for the body.

Exercises to combat childhood obesity

1. Martial arts

One of the activities that many parents choose as a sport for their children is martial arts. There are many and diverse styles of martial arts, depending on age and the intended purpose. With this type of exercise, in addition to having fun and losing weight, the child learns discipline , respect, perseverance, control of his body and personal defense.

It is convenient to instill the importance of stretching and warm-ups before beginning any physical activity (in this case, the martial art). In this way, injuries are prevented and helps to maximize effort and results. Martial arts are high performance sports that will help you burn calories and lose weight naturally within a few months.

2. Football

Soccer is the sport and pastime par excellence of children. Just take a look at the recess times in any schoolyard to see how they enjoy this physical activity. Although there are other very good alternatives, soccer is a very effective sport to combat childhood obesity.

In addition, soccer encourages teamwork , speed and dexterity, effort, strategy and intelligence. Another advantage is that it is usually practiced in open spaces outdoors. In this way, sedentary attitudes are avoided and children are invited to leave the sofa at home. A soccer ball will always be a wonderful gift for any child.

Soccer to fight childhood obesity

3. Swimming

Swimming is an ideal sport for any age, but it is especially recommended for children. The fact of turning physical activity into a game makes it not an obligation and, therefore, there will be more motivation when practicing it.

  • It is essential that a qualified adult constantly monitor the aquatic activity, especially if it is a private pool where there are no monitors.
  • Swimming is one of the most complete sports and in which the whole body is exercised. In addition to losing weight, it helps to have more self-confidence by showing up in a swimsuit to other children.

4. Jump rope

One of the traditional games that burns the most calories is jumping rope. Not surprisingly, boxers around the world choose the rope in their training. Through the continuous jump rope or rope, the abdominal muscles, legs, resistance are worked, and the performance of the heart is improved.

It is not surprising that in recent years this game has evolved so much. The use of music to accompany the activity helps to make it more enjoyable and motivates to identify with the song. With the rope game, the sense of rhythm, coordination, physical resistance and psychomotor skills are worked at the same time.

5. Play with hula hoop

This is one of the best known games in the world. It consists of making a plastic ring go around the waist without falling to the ground. For this, only the movement of the hip can be used. And it is precisely this movement that makes this game a very interesting exercise to combat childhood obesity.

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Although it is a game that is closely associated with girls, the truth is that it is beneficial for anyone. There are also rhythmic gymnastics modalities in which they use a similar hoop to do the exercises. With the hula hoop , coordination, flexibility, resistance, rhythm and balance are worked in particular, while losing weight while playing.

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