Friends Help You Cope With Pain

Are you having a bad time? We cannot always be happy and content, so in those moments of grief having friends can be very beneficial for us.

We are made to be sociable, not to hide at home whenever things go wrong for us. What’s more, going out with friends can be therapeutic to relax and forget about all those situations that cause us so much discomfort.

Have you ever turned to your friends when you’ve been down? Surely after doing it you felt much better. That is because they have a beneficial effect on your health.

With friends pain is better tolerated

Finding good friends is a very difficult task. Many people take almost a lifetime to find the right ones, those who are not driven by interests and who, in the most difficult moments, are there, by your side.

Once you find these friends, never let them get away. It’s hard to find, so make it hard to lose too. Because such a jewel in your hands should be more than well protected.

They say that it does not matter how many friends you have, but that the ones you have are of quality. A completely true statement, since it is thought that by having more friends you will be happier or you will have more hands offering to get up.

It doesn’t matter if you have one, two or seven friends. The really important thing is who among them care about you and are there for you. Let’s do a little test.

Think of a very painful moment or imagine one in which you find yourself alone. You need to ask for help, you have already suffered too much alone and now you want someone by your side who can help you save.

Answer honestly: Who would you call?

How many of your friends would you call? Just one? That person you would go to is the one you should trust, he will be your balm for your problems, he will know how to listen to you and he will not leave you.

A helping hand never hurts

Not all people are the same or have been through the same thing, but surely you have ever felt how your problems were reduced by being with that person who loves you more than anything, who is your true friend.

It never hurts us to have a helping hand to help us get up again, to smile, to get out of that immense well in which we have been submerged by circumstances.

When you’re upset, no matter what situation you’re going through, go out with your friends! You will be distracted, you will be able to smile sincerely even if you resist doing it and, if you need to, you will be able to cry and vent.

They will be there to support you.


Without a doubt, it is one of the most used techniques to cope with any problem. Go out and distract ourselves, do something different, get away from what is making us suffer so much.

Of course, let’s not forget that we are only asking for a time out.

The problems will continue to be there and we will have to solve them. We are taking time to breathe fresh air, listen to different opinions about it, see the situation from another perspective and, later, face all this with strength.

Take care of your friends

Friends will be your best medicine, so take care of them like never before. Above all, reach out to them when they need you too. It is not a question now of being selfish and wanting help only for ourselves. They, at some point, will need us too.

Do you want some tips to solve your problems effectively?

  • Don’t stay home, this is the worst thing you can do. Your problems will become entrenched, you will not know what other points of view there may be about it, it will take longer to solve them and you will stir in your sadness.
  • Do not be afraid to be honest with your friends, do not be ashamed to tell them even those details that when you think about them make you blush. They will understand you better than anyone. Good friends won’t laugh at you.
  • Let them take care of you, make you smile, care about your well-being. In your effort not to worry them, you are preventing them from giving you that much-needed boost to get out of the hole you are in.

Now that you know that your friends can be the best allies in those difficult moments that life sometimes makes us experience, will you continue to shut yourself up, preventing those who love you the most from lending you a hand to help you?

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