Foods With Diuretic Properties To Reduce Inflammation

Foods with diuretic properties are considered to be all those that are rich in water and that, therefore, would stimulate urination. However, it must be borne in mind that its effect is mild, unlike drugs, which do have a greater scope given their composition.

In case of mild inflammation and as a complement to the treatment recommended by the doctor, diuretic foods could be used. Of course, this does not mean that the diet should be based only on these, but on supplementing it with them.

When there is edema, diuretics are the most appropriate since they help eliminate fluids and, therefore, reduce inflammation of the affected areas. They are also used in cases of hypertension, diabetes, cirrhosis and kidney dysfunction, among others.

8 foods with diuretic properties

It must be borne in mind that, whenever foods with diuretic properties are consumed, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids (water and natural juices), to avoid dehydration. Next, let’s see what the best options are. 

1. Oats

Oatmeal, queen of cereals, is a food traditionally used to help lose weight or keep it healthy, reduce cholesterol and complement multiple recipes. It is an excellent source of fiber and nutrients that would also help reduce edema caused by fluid accumulation, according to a 2013 study.

2. The watermelon

Watermelon is one of the diuretic foods.

This delicious fruit contains a large amount of water (95%) with which, it would help to eliminate liquids with great ease. It also provides potassium and vitamin A. And, like tomatoes, it contains lycopene, a carotene.

In addition to watermelon, there are other fruits that are part of the list of foods with diuretic properties, such as melon and pineapple.

2. Blueberries

Blueberries have antioxidant properties, as well as being rich in fiber, vitamin C, potassium, iron, and calcium. Now, the reason why they are part of this list of diuretic foods is because they contain quinic acid, a substance that would prevent kidney stones. We have not found scientific data supporting this theory.

3. Green tea

Green green tea is one of the diuretic foods.

Green tea is a drink known worldwide for having a high content of antioxidants but also for being an interesting diuretic; this is due to its caffeine content. On the other hand, according to research, its consumption would prevent the gallbladder from becoming inflamed.

Much of its benefits are attributed to its contribution of a catechin known as EGGG, which would exert an antioxidant effect that would help prevent cell damage and inflammation.

Therefore, in addition to being good against fluid retention and inflammation, it would also help prevent premature aging and even some degenerative diseases.

4. Apple cider vinegar

To take advantage of all the benefits of apple cider vinegar without putting your health at risk, it is best to consume it as part of a salad dressing, mayonnaise and the like.

Several studies have indicated that one of its components, acetic acid, is a powerful antibacterial. In relation to its diuretic properties, they have yet to be verified at a scientific level.

5. Parsley

According to a study published in 2002, it was found that parsley would help increase the volume of urine (which is not the same as the frequency of urination, eye). Later, it was confirmed that it would have diuretic properties but to take advantage of them, it should be consumed regularly and in quantity. 

As you can see, parsley is not only used to decorate dishes or to dress one or another recipe, but it can be useful to combat fluid retention. Now, the best way to take advantage of parsley for this purpose is through infusions.

6. The tomato

Tomatoes are diuretic foods.

Tomato is a food with a lot of water that contains mainly proteins, carotenoids and vitamin C. Among the carotenoids, lycopene stands out, a powerful antioxidant that greatly favors health. It is recommended to take advantage of it within the diet regularly, and for this, you can use various recipes.

Discover: Homemade Tomato Soup Recipes

7. Asparagus

Asparagus are foods that contain vitamins C and E, proteins, folates, lignans, and flavonoids. Therefore, they would be beneficial for the health of the kidneys and the rest of the renal system. And having a high water content, they would also help to expel the retained fluids easily into the urine.

8. The artichoke

Artichokes are diuretic foods.

According to a 2013 article, the artichoke is one of the most popular and widely used foods with diuretic properties. It is a great source of fiber, but it also contains proteins, potassium, phosphorus, cyanrine and sterols, substances that would have positive effects on the body.

Include diuretic foods in the diet

Diuretic foods would also be useful for those who want to show off a more relaxed figure. It must be remembered that, many times, what is believed to be extra kilos turn out to be, in part, edema caused by fluid retention.

As you can see, there are a wide variety of foods that could help you eliminate fluids from the body. You can choose the one you like the most or combine several of them, as you prefer.

In nature there is a wide variety of foods with diuretic properties that facilitate the body’s elimination of fluids, the question is not to abuse them and to maintain a balanced diet in conjunction with other good lifestyle habits.

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