Do You Suffer From Back Pain? Avoid These 8 Things To Completely Alleviate It

Back pain is a common discomfort in modern society, almost always derived from a sedentary lifestyle and the adoption of other bad habits that harm this part of the body.

It can occur mildly, but it also becomes a constant ailment with sudden sharp pains that cause difficulties in movement.

An article published in 2013 by the World Health Organization  (WHO) reveals that at least one in ten people suffer from it frequently (although most experience it at some point in their lives).

However, despite the fact that back pain usually disappears on its own, the following article published by the Revista Investigaciones Medico-Surgical points out some activities that can worsen this condition.

1. Lifting heavy objects causes back pain

One of the main causes of lower back pain is using a lot of force to lift heavy objects. Above all, this usually happens from bending over incorrectly.

At the first sign of pain, it is essential to reduce the load  and try to lift this type of thing with the help of another person or special equipment.

To avoid this, consider the following steps:

  • Bend your knees with your back straight.
  • Grab the object and pick it up again.
  • Remember not to curve your back to avoid damaging it.

Correct way to lift weights.

2. Staying at rest too long

Rest is usually a good way to ease tension and discomfort, but other times it is not the best solution.

In fact, according to the following trial published in 2017 by the Journal of Public Health , doing physical exercise has been shown to be more effective in alleviating and preventing the frequency of low back pain. 

This is because it strengthens the muscles while increasing blood circulation in the joints. Of course, remember to adopt a good posture in each movement since, otherwise, the problem can be worse.

We recommend practicing Pilates, since it is an exercise that works the muscles of the trunk and abdomen.

3. Slouching increases back pain

Having a bad posture when sitting is another frequent cause of the constant episodes of this ailment. In fact, it does not matter which chair you are in is the best since, if you are in a bad position, you will end up damaging your back anyway.

Hunching your back increases pressure on your joints, muscles, and spine  (as well as causing severe pain). To avoid this, adopt the following habits:

  • Try to have good posture throughout the day.
  • Use objects that allow you to achieve this.
  • Also, if you work in front of the computer, make sure it is at eye level.

    4. Stressing increases back pain

    Stress is a state of tension common in today’s society and often derived from multiple occupations or responsibilities.

    According to the following article published in 2010 by Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology , this can also cause low back pain (affecting areas such as the neck, head or back).

    • To avoid these consequences, practice a relaxation technique or exercise regularly.
    • Yoga is a good option, as is meditation.

    5. Suffer from obesity

    What are the mistakes that prevent you from losing weight.

    Although the causes of obesity are diverse (from genetic factors to poor lifestyle habits), the truth is that excess weight in the body is related equally to discomfort and spinal problems.

    In fact, an article published by the Mexican Journal of Neuroscience explains that this condition increases pressure in this area  and causes pain and inflammation.

    For this reason, some people can improve their back pain by adopting a healthy lifestyle. However, the ideal is to follow up each case with the doctor and follow his recommendations.

    6. Smoking

    Although at first glance it seems to have nothing to do with it, the truth is that this habit is related to low back pain.

    Research by Dr. Chang Liao at the China Medical University Hospital showed that tobacco substances cause osteoporosis (a problem that degenerates the bones and reduces blood flow to the spine).

    To avoid this, you can follow the following tips:

    • Try to cut down on tobacco.
    • Get physical exercise to calm your anxiety.

    7. Bend forward

    When you bend forward, you increase the pressure on the spine and this causes pain in the muscles. In this sense, it is essential to limit these types of movements and do backbending exercises to work the lower back.

    You can take advantage of active breaks from work to do some activity. Also remember that doing Pilates can help you achieve good posture.

    8. Beware of “disguising” back pain

    Taking some pain relievers or applying heat and cold can temporarily ease back pain. However, they should not be considered as a remedy for this problem, as these would only alleviate it.

    Over-the-counter pain relievers

    What if the pain persists?

    If your back pain persists over the weeks, see your doctor to find out its cause and receive a proper diagnosis. Also, Dr. Manohar M. Panjabi points out that a good posture correction could solve this problem in the most severe cases, so ask your physical therapist to choose the best treatments that best suit you.

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