Do You Have Calluses On Your Feet? Combat Them With This 100% Natural Solution

To eliminate calluses it is very important that, in addition to using the remedy we mentioned, we try to keep our feet dry and always wear comfortable shoes

Have you neglected your feet in the last few days? Do you notice that the skin is hard and dry? You are probably facing one of the most common foot problems: calluses. Now, do you know how to fight corns?

Generally, these are evidenced as a hardness caused by the constant friction suffered by the skin with the shoe material; in turn, it is an obvious sign of dehydration and lack of exfoliation.

They usually form in sensitive areas such as the plantar area and the bottom of the big toe. In this sense, their presence is unsightly and can sometimes cause cracks and pain.

According to Dr. Kendrick Alan Whitney, in addition to pumice, there are many dermatological treatments that facilitate its removal. However, there are those who prefer to opt for natural alternatives with similar effects.

This time we want to share an interesting treatment with white vinegar and onion, two ingredients that help soften corns.

Fight corns naturally

According to popular wisdom, the combination of white vinegar and onion has compounds that help soften tough skin and thus facilitate the removal of those unsightly calluses that form on the feet.

Thus, this simple blend of natural ingredients promotes cleansing of the skin and reduces the presence of dead cells and impurities. Can we discover the benefits together?

1. Benefits of white vinegar

White vinegar.

Although it has become popular for home cleaning applications, white vinegar is a multi-purpose product that can be used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes, according to popular wisdom.

  • It contains organic acids that supposedly help regulate the pH of the skin, altering the climate that fungi and bacteria need to multiply.
  • Its acetic acid softens the dermis and softens the calluses that form in various areas of the foot.
  • Eliminates bad odors and reduces excess sweating.

2. Benefits of onion


The onion has a strong smell that for many is unpleasant. Despite this, it is said that its smell indicates that it has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory compounds, making it one of the best natural remedies for feet.

  • Among the components, vitamin C and magnesium stand out, two nutrients that are essential to keep the skin in perfect condition.
  • It concentrates sulfurous substances that, in fact, stimulate cell regeneration.
  • Thus, its natural juice is hydrating and promotes the elimination of yeast and bacteria that cause infections.

    White vinegar and onion treatment

    This white vinegar and onion treatment can help beautify your feet. In fact, it works to fight corns, blisters, fungal infections and other problems that often afflict them. Although the effects take a little longer compared to other conventional products, its regular application provides good results.


    • 1 medium onion.
    • ½ cup of white vinegar (125 ml).


    • Cotton.
    • 1 glass jar.
    • Cling film (the amount needed).


    1. First, add the white vinegar to a glass container.
    2. Next, peel the onion, cut it into several slices and place it in the jar.
    3. Next, cover the mixture and let it rest for 4 to 8 hours.

    Application mode

    1. First, dip a cotton ball in the remedy and apply it to the calluses on your feet.
    2. Second, cover them completely and secure the cotton with a piece of cling film.
    3. Third, wrap your feet in socks and let the solution work overnight.
    4. Finally, the next morning, rinse your feet with lukewarm water and rub the corn with a pumice stone.
    5. Repeat the procedure for 7 or 10 days, until you notice an improvement.

    Final Recommendations

    So that the calluses do not get worse, it is important to complement the use of the previous remedy with certain care.

    • Avoid exposing your feet to humid and warm environments, as these promote the appearance of corns and infections.
    • Never use tweezers or nail clippers to try to remove the hardness.
    • Keep an eye on the footwear you are using. This is so many times it is the cause of corns on the feet.
    • Limit the use of high-heeled shoes.
    • Perform an exfoliation of the skin of the feet, 2 or 3 times a week.
    • After a long and exhausting day, raise your feet to reactivate circulation.

    Do you want your feet to look soft and healthy? Do you notice any hardness? Try this simple treatment to combat calluses and confirm its scope for yourself. But remember, if the discomfort persists, it is best to go to the doctor and follow his instructions.

    Keep in mind that the remedies are designed for specific issues and never replace the treatment that the doctor may prescribe.

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