Discover These 4 Mistakes That Prevent You From Losing Weight

The key to losing weight is burning more calories than you consume. Avoid alcoholic beverages, since they only provide empty calories and no nutrients.

Have you been wanting to reach your ideal weight for a long time but just can’t? In this list you will find some mistakes that prevent you from losing weight. Although they may be very obvious aspects, the reality is that we often overlook them.

The benefits of losing weight are many. Perhaps the main one is that you will be able to lead a healthy life and prevent diseases. In addition, your confidence and self-esteem will increase, you will learn to see yourself from a very different perspective and everyone will notice the change.

4 mistakes you make that prevent you from losing weight

To be able to lose weight in a healthy way, it is good to know what are the most common mistakes that can prevent you from reaching your goal. Take note!

1. You are not eating properly

The only way to lose weight is by watching what you eat. P To achieve weight loss, you have to include products from all the food groups in your diet . Unfortunately, it is common to find fast diets that promise miraculous results but do not nourish you.

One of the mistakes that prevent you from losing weight lies in the fact of stopping eating certain groups or exceeding others. For example, you stop eating refined flours, but you go overboard with whole grains, or you eat fruits and vegetables, but never natural and always with some unhealthy addition.

The reality is that you should eat fruits and vegetables frequently. However, it is also necessary that you consume protein, fatty foods and, in some situations, carbohydrates.

2. Have pastries for breakfast

Colorful muffins, made with refined flour.

Another mistake that prevents you from losing weight is making a breakfast based on processed products. This first meal of the day is critical when introducing foods of low nutritional value.

If you do not have time to prepare a good breakfast, the best option is intermittent fasting . In this way, you will reduce the global calculation of weekly calories and you will be able to lose weight effectively, according to a study published in 2015.

Another good option, if time is a problem, is to organize your breakfast in advance. This way, you can take it with you and drink it when you’re hungry. You should try to have fruits and a quality protein intake in your breakfast. Always avoid simple sugars and bakery products or cookies.

3. You consume alcoholic beverages

Alcoholic beverages They are high in calories that do not provide any essential nutrients. Due to their composition, your metabolism will process them differently, which will complicate your efforts to lose weight.

In addition to being one of the mistakes that prevent you from losing weight, they affect your ability to respond, cause sleep disorders and cause irreparable damage to the brain. On the other hand, its consumption is linked to the appearance of diseases in the medium term, as stated in a study published in the journal Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research.

All of the above, if you want to lose weight you must eliminate or, failing that, reduce the intake of alcoholic beverages . Otherwise, no matter if you exercise and eat correctly, you will not see results and you will only get frustrated.

It is not always possible to avoid alcohol. However, you can take some steps to keep your consumption to a minimum. For example, instead of taking a beer , opt for a drink with mineral water or juice.

4. You don’t exercise

To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you consume. Despite this, one of the mistakes that prevent you from losing weight is avoiding this type of physical activity.

Luckily, incorporating them into your life is simple, since there are multiple options for all tastes and levels.

Women running in a group.

We recommend looking for one that arouses your interest and that you find fun so that you do not have to fight every day to do it. If you don’t know which one is ideal for you, try several options. Start with the simplest ones, like dancing, swimming, or running.

From there, and as you pick up the pace, you can challenge yourself with new options such as weightlifting, taebo or judo. There are endless physical activities that will help you lose weight: you just have to find the one that you are passionate about.

Make sure your activity burns the extra calories you consume. For this remember that an hour of low intensity exercise will help you burn about 300 calories . In turn, high intensity sports will allow you to burn up to 900 calories.

Diet and exercise for weight loss

As you can see, there are many mistakes that prevent you from losing weight. It is important that you are aware of them and that you take the correct measures to avoid them. This way you can pay proper attention to them and avoid them.  

A varied and balanced diet and the practice of physical exercise on a regular basis is the best combination when looking for weight loss. Remember to also avoid toxic habits like alcohol.

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