Discover The Indian Diet

In this article we will tell you about the Hindu diet, which is based on the ancient traditions of this country and how it can contribute to weight loss. In addition, we give you a couple of recipes.

What is the Indian diet?

What is the Indian diet.

Perhaps when we read the word “diet” we think that we will have many restrictions and prohibited foods. However, this is not always the case.

In the case of Indian food, we will be adding ingredients from an ancient culture to the body.

This type of diet is based, for example, on not mixing proteins with carbohydrates in the same dish and on the selection of the foods that we are going to consume.

Basically the Indian diet includes brown rice, lots of vegetables and some fruits (orange, apple, lemon and grapefruit).

  • At the same time, he recommends having 3 meals a day, plus a snack if you feel hungry or before going to sleep.
  • This small intake should be fruit or a low-fat yogurt.
  • It is also advisable to chew food well (about 100 times) so that digestion is complete and food spends less time in the stomach.
  • Throughout the day it is necessary to drink 2 liters of water and green tea, unsweetened (the amount we want).
  • Finally,  we cannot forget physical activity: 40 minutes of walking is ideal.

Pros and cons of the Indian diet

Pros and cons of the Hindu diet.

Many people choose this type of diet when they want to lose weight. It is estimated that up to 4 kg can be lost in two weeks.

The disadvantages of this diet are that it may become somewhat monotonous, that it requires a lot of willpower and that it is not allowed in people with hypotension.

In addition, it should be extended for a maximum of 15 days, since it does not provide important vitamins such as A, B12 and D or nutrients such as iron or calcium.

The most important thing about this diet is the combination of foods. For example, we can consume lasagna or pasta with vegetables, omelette with onion and tomato, rice with vegetables, red meat (not beef) with salad, etc.

Rice is the fundamental ingredient of the Indian diet. To season it, different herbs or spices typical of this country can be used: cardamom, curry, cinnamon, cayenne or saffron.

These, in addition, will increase the temperature of the body and will serve to burn more fat.

Examples of dishes of the Indian diet

For those who like to cook and do not want to get bored while they carry out the Indian diet, we propose some typical dishes of this culture.

In this way, the eating plan will not seem so monotonous or restrictive.

Aloo Gobi Recipe

Aloo Gobi recipe - Hindu diet.

It is a very traditional vegetarian dish that is prepared with potato, cabbage, basil and onion. Also, it has a good amount of turmeric.

It is a kind of stew that serves to satisfy the appetite, but can cause gas. Therefore, by adding cumin, we will reduce the production of gases.


  • 2 potatoes
  • ¼ cabbage
  • 3 onions
  • 4 tomatoes
  • Garlic ginger paste (2 tablespoons – 30 g)
  • Paprika (3 tablespoons – 30 g)
  • Turmeric (2 tablespoons – 20 g)
  • Cumin powder (2 tablespoons – 20 g)
  • Coriander powder (2 tablespoons – 20 g)
  • Olive oil and salt to taste
  • For garnish (optional): cumin seeds


  • First, peel the potatoes and cut into large cubes. Chop the cabbage.
  • Next, sauté both with olive oil for 20 minutes.
  • Peel and julienne the onion. Cut the tomato into wedges.
  • Meanwhile, in another pan, sauté the onion and add the garlic and ginger paste and the seasonings (paprika, turmeric, cumin and coriander).
  • Add the potatoes and cabbage. We can add a little water so that it is not so thick.
  • Finally, serve with the tomato and cumin seeds.

Chicken tandoori masala recipe

Tandoori chicken - Indian diet.

A good option to add protein and control your appetite. Do not leave the skin on the chicken, as it contains fat.

The flavor, without a doubt, is provided by the mixture of spices called tandoori masala (available in powder) that includes chilli, cumin, paprika, garlic, ginger and coriander.


  • Natural yogurt (200 g)
  • Tandoori masala (1 tablespoon – 20 g)
  • 1 whole chicken (without skin)
  • Onion to taste
  • 1 lemon


  • First, in a bowl, mix the yogurt with the tandoori masala.
  • Then, chop the chicken and place on a previously greased baking tray.
  • Then spread the yogurt and spices cream on top.
  • Leave to marinate for two hours in the fridge.
  • Meanwhile, heat the oven. Next, cut the onion into julienne strips and the lemon into slices.
  • Finally, bake until the chicken is golden on the outside and cooked on the inside.

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