Deadlift: What It Is And Some Benefits

The deadlift allows the work of various muscle chains with only two movements. So we tell you what it consists of and the main benefits that can be taken advantage of with its regular practice.

What is the deadlift? This question is the basis of everything. Therefore, it is feasible to say that it is a weight lifting exercise. Its execution takes place by means of the elevation to the hip of a bar with variable discs.

This lifting action affects the glutes, soleus, gastrocnemius, hamstrings, and the muscles that comprise the core . However, it must be worked with caution and precision so that there is no risk of injury. This leads us to show you the variants it offers, its notable benefits and the keys to a proper implementation.

Types and variants of the deadlift

Acceptance of the deadlift among lifters lies in its versatility to incorporate effective modifications. This time, we present the most used types and variants of the also known as deadlif t.

Classic deadlift

Fully understanding the original version of the deadlift will make the variants more easily internalized. To use it in the routine, follow this step by step:

  • Set both feet and hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Raise the bar to your waist and apply the prone grip. The chest should be kept straight.
  • Lower the bar while drawing an approximate 90 degree angle.
  • Do 2-3 sets of 5-8 reps.
Types and variants of the deadlift

Sumo deadlift

The sumo deadlift implants an idea in our minds from its name. However, to be more precise with its performance, the following procedure should be applied:

  • Stand behind the bar with discs, leaving your feet wider than the distance represented by your shoulders.
  • Grab the bar from the inside of your legs and use a prone grip.
  • Raise the bar to your waist with the help of the knee bend .
  • Lower the bar slowly, using a new bend in your knees until you touch the ground.
  • Apply 3 sets of 5 repetitions. Assess the body’s response to increase reps.

Romanian deadlift

In the case of the Romanian deadlift, the requirement is increased, since the bar does not touch the ground during the descent phase.  The highest incidence of the exercise is aimed at the hamstrings and is performed as follows:

  • Stand with your feet the same distance from your hips.
  • Grab the bar and follow shoulder separation.
  • Raise the barbell while your knees are bent at 20 degrees.
  • Lower and gradually bend your torso without excessively varying the flexion of the knees. Also, avoid resting the bar on the ground.
  • Do 2 or 3 sets of 6 reps. The variation depends on whether you want to tone or gain muscle mass.

Hex deadlift

The peculiarity is that a hexagonal bar is needed for its execution. With this physical conditioning tool, the load is uniform. When practicing it, do the following:

  • Position your feet hip-width apart.
  • Grab the hex bar with a neutral grip and lift it up so that your legs stay stiff.
  • Lower the bar while keeping your head balanced with your spine and bending your knees.
  • Use 3 sets of 5 reps. After a total adaptation to the exercise, an increase in the load or an increase in repetitions is evaluated according to the stipulated physical objectives.

Benefits of performing deadlifts

The benefits of the deadlift with its variants are very broad, since they cover physical and other aspects related to integral health. Some of his greatest contributions are expressed in this list:

  • Generic muscle work. Although the core and the lower body of the body receive the greatest benefits from this lifting exercise, its variants also affect other muscle groups for generalized work.
  • Fat reduction. Its contribution to the regulation of basal metabolism causes a greater amount of fat to be burned, which gives the body an exceptional state.
  • Increased strength. The recurrent execution of the deadlift acts on the lifting capacity and strength of the practitioner.
  • Toning By varying the weight and adding repetitions, muscle definition is also possible. Only the training line should be established and the results will not be long in coming.
  • Promoting the cardiovascular system. Not only does it improve circulation, but it also keeps blood cholesterol at optimal levels.
  • Increased mental health. On a mental level, the benefits of the deadlift extend remarkably, since they reduce stress and develop cognitive functions.

Keys to Deadlifting Properly

After going through its variants and benefits, it should not be left aside that the dead weight also has detractors, who affirm the harmful dangers that its performance entails. However, the reality indicates that e l only risk is if the execution is wrong. In that order of ideas, we are going to discuss the keys to take advantage of the exercise.

Starting position

The starting position must be with the bar at a maximum proximity, that is, that it is located just above the insteps. On the other hand, the feet should not point towards the front, but present a slight opening towards the sides.

Relevance of the breast

Both in lifting and lowering the bar, pay attention to the shape of the chest. It is preferable that it is taken as a reference and established towards the front. In this way, the bar will comply with the expected vertical movement, which rules out the frontal displacement that is usually a frequent mistake.

Activation of the abdomen

Lastly, don’t forget to do abdominal activation exercises before performing the deadlift. This is achieved with abdominal hollowing or abdominal sinking. Thus, the effort will be sustainable throughout the routine.

Keys to Deadlifting Properly

What should you remember about the deadlift exercise?

Mastering and perfecting your grip on the bar helps keep the lift comfortable and fluid with each rep. Therefore, it is recommended to practice without the discs for a better adaptation.

On the other hand, if you feel any kind of discomfort during the exercise, or at the end of the series, suspend the training and go to a specialist to detect the origin of the discomfort and treat it without further delay.

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