Control Gastritis With These Homemade Tricks

Although these tips can help us to alleviate the symptoms of gastritis, it is essential to go to a specialist to maintain control of the disease

Gastritis is a disorder in which the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed, triggering a strong abdominal burning sensation, accompanied by heartburn and gas.

It can be caused by many factors; however, according to a publication in the National Center for Biotechnology Information , most cases are caused by the overgrowth of the Helicobacter pylori bacteria, which is the same bacterium that causes ulcers.

Your symptoms can appear suddenly, or they can develop gradually. Although they are usually mild and transitory, there is a risk of complications such as stomach bleeding.

Therefore, before trying any natural solution, it is essential to go to the doctor and follow his recommendations. The professional, in addition to giving a more precise diagnosis, will help us choose the best treatment according to the case. In addition, it will help us decide if it is appropriate to try natural remedies.

The latter are quite popular, since in popular literature they have been described as good allies to cope with the symptoms. However, they are not a first-line treatment and should be used only as adjuvants. Discover them!

What are the causes of gastritis?

Gastritis is caused by irritation of the lining that protects the stomach against digestive juices. The weakness suffered by this mucous barrier due to excess acids produces a deterioration that generates inflammation and injuries.

Most cases occur after an infection ; however, it is also triggered by autoimmune disorders, bile reflux into the stomach, and digestive diseases.

Risk factor’s

  • Exposure to stress
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Injuries to the digestive system
  • H. pylori bacterial infections
  • Parasitic and viral diseases
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol and cigarettes
  • Long-term use of pain relievers

The consumption of irritating foods is not a cause of gastritis, but it is a factor that increases the severity of its symptoms.

How do I know if I have gastritis?


Many cases of gastritis occur asymptomatically. Patients may experience an upset stomach that is easily mistaken for common indigestion. According to its level of severity, it can also cause:

  • Acid reflux
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach pain and gas
  • Burning in the upper stomach

If the symptoms are recurrent it is important to consult a doctor. After a physical examination, he or she may recommend laboratory tests to confirm the diagnosis.

Homemade tricks to control gastritis naturally

There are many medications that can help control gastritis. Despite this, it is essential that affected patients change their lifestyle to prevent complications.

Although the remedies momentarily calm the discomfort, it is the habits that determine if they reappear, heal, or become more serious.

The application of some natural tricks is an excellent option to combat the disease without the need to exceed the consumption of drugs. Today we have compiled the best ones for you to put into practice.

Consume cold gelatin

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Gelatin is a food full of essential nutrients that benefit the body. Its amino acids, vitamins and minerals help repair the stomach lining, controlling inflammation.

  • Consume a serving of cold gelatin when you feel burning or any symptoms of gastritis.

Eat a banana

Due to its contributions of fiber and antioxidants, the banana is one of the traditional remedies to alleviate digestive difficulties that occur due to gastritis.

It is a soft food that helps regulate the pH of the stomach, reducing excess acidity that causes ulcers and irritation.

  • Consume a portion of banana, or include it in your smoothies and breakfasts.

Drink rice water


The fibers that are concentrated in rice water are helpful in supporting the digestion process. Its nutrients act as natural painkillers in the stomach, helping to regenerate tissues irritated by acids.

  • Cook rice in water, without adding seasonings, and consume the liquid 2 or 3 times a day.

Limit the consumption of irritants

There are many irritating foods that can make gastritis symptoms more severe, especially when eaten during a disease crisis.

  • It is essential that you limit the intake of dairy, fried foods and spicy foods, at least while you feel relief.

Increase water consumption

Patients who have this stomach problem should consume enough water to ensure a good digestion process. Low fluid intake facilitates changes in pH, allowing acidic juices to cause damage.

  • Make sure you drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.
  • If you don’t like to drink plain water, consume it with a little lemon or infusions.

Keep these recommendations in mind and use them as allies of your gastritis treatment. See your doctor regularly to assess what state the disease is in.

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