Contributions And Use Of Iodine In Diets

Every day, physical and psychological well-being has a higher priority. When it comes to losing weight, we need to know what vitamins and minerals the body needs so that our body does not have side effects during the weight loss process. Therefore, including iodine in diets can help us.

However, with such a wide range of diets that offer rapid weight loss, the nutritional information regarding necessary supplements has decreased in recent times.

What are the nutrients that we should include in our daily diet?

As we mentioned earlier, when a person undergoes a weight loss diet, the body may not receive enough nutrients, which include minerals and vitamins.

Among the nutrients that nutritionists recommend including in the daily diet, we can find:

  • Vitamins
  • Fats
  • Proteins.
  • Carbohydrates
  • Minerals

It is important to note that the positive results will depend on whether or not we respect the amounts recommended by the experts.

Why is iodine necessary in diets?

Foods rich in iodine

Iodine is a necessary mineral for the body, and of great help in the functioning of the nervous, circulatory and muscular systems. Thus, we can find it in supplements or foods that contain it in large quantities.

By including iodine in the diets we will be facilitating the work of the thyroid hormones. These are the ones that are responsible for helping the metabolism to work on a regular basis. This is evidenced by a study published in Biological Trace Element Research.

Foods high in iodine

When we have in mind to lose weight, it is important that we consume the correct foods so that the body remains healthy and healthy. Thus, among the most popular we can find:


This dairy product is one of the most used when losing weight and which we should not leave out of the kitchen. It is one of the foods with the highest iodine content.

In addition, this edible has probiotic bacteria. These are capable of improving the biodiversity of the microbiota, according to a study published in Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology . From here a beneficial effect is generated on the body.



One cup (166 g) of strawberries is capable of providing 13 micrograms of iodine to the body. Due to the ease of transport and delicious flavor, they are one of the favorites of the public when organizing our daily snacks.

They also have vitamin C. This nutrient is key when aiming to improve the functioning of the immune system, according to research published in the journal Nutrients .


Known for their high fiber content, beans are also an important source of iodine. Thus, apart from their delicious taste, they are perfect for people who want to refrain from ingesting protein of animal origin.

Just half a cup (110 g) of grains at meals will provide us with energy and the amount of iodine that the body needs.

Functions of iodine

Foods that improve memory and mental alertness

As we have already mentioned, iodine is essential for thyroid hormones to function properly in the body.

Currently, nutritionists recommend ingesting at least 100 micrograms of iodine  to keep the body working normally.

It intervenes in the body’s metabolism. Thus, iodine in diets is highly recommended by nutritionists to patients who want to improve their lifestyle.

Among other functions of this trace element, we can highlight:

  • Facilitates growth.
  • Helps burn body fat.
  • Increase our mental agility.
  • It takes part in the cellular process.

Indicators that you should eat more iodine

Apart from presenting hypothyroidism, there are certain symptoms that could indicate that we are facing a mineral deficiency, specifically iodine. Thus, these signals are:

  • Tiredness.
  • Emotional imbalance.
  • Depression.
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Loss of appetite
  • Intestinal problems.

What happens if I consume too much iodine?

The body needs a very small amount of iodine to function properly. For this reason, it is very likely that, in certain cases, by wanting to maintain all the appropriate values, we fall into an excess of some mineral.

Among the negative aspects of this happening, it is important to highlight:

  • The appearance of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism due to the imbalance of the thyroid gland.
  • Appearance of allergies and skin irritations unexpectedly.
  • Inflammation of certain areas of the body, such as lips and arms, due to an imbalance in the lymph nodes.
  • In addition to pain in the gums, throat, appearance of epidermal problems and stomach upset.

Tips for including iodine in our weight loss routine

Don't forget to have dinner to lose weight

As we have noted, the inclusion of iodine in diets is of utmost importance, whether we are on a diet or not.

Although many people believe that eating foods with iodine can meet their needs, there are certain tips that they can put into practice to raise the levels of this mineral in the body.

  • Use personal care products that are chemical-free.
  • Eat organic and 100% natural foods. If you include any that are processed, remember that these must be bromine-free.
  • Try to drink as much water as possible as well.
  • When you eat, be sure to use ceramic or glass containers and containers.

Make sure you consume iodine regularly

As you have seen, iodine is an essential element to ensure the proper functioning of the body. For this reason it is optimal to introduce it regularly in the diet. If you regularly consume the foods mentioned, you will not have a deficit of this mineral.

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