Banana And Cinnamon Tea For A Good Night’s Sleep

Both bananas and cinnamon contain substances (such as potassium and tryptophan) that can contribute to a night’s rest.

Health and well-being depend not only on a good diet, but also on the hours of sleep on a daily basis. In fact, it is proven that getting a good night’s sleep, at least 7 hours every day, is crucial to having a good quality of life, energy, and good physical and mental performance.

During the night rest period, we not only replenish energy from the physical point of view. We also help give the brain what it needs to stay healthy.

However, the modern lifestyle has affected the sleeping hours of millions of people and has become a factor that increases the risk of developing various types of disorders.

We live in a time when everything happens quickly and therefore we are forced to develop in an accelerated way. This can easily lead to stress, poor lifestyle habits, and inevitably health problems.

Insomnia can be a risk factor for the development of many diseases. Therefore, it is important to take care of sleep hygiene every day. It is no longer just about avoiding fatigue and slowness in daily activities, it is about investing in something that provides well-being and gives us quality of life.

Luckily, we can improve our sleep routine by putting into practice some tricks and, at the same time, taking advantage of the contributions that some natural drinks can provide us, such as banana and cinnamon tea that we will discuss below.

What would be the benefits of banana and cinnamon tea?

What are the benefits of banana and cinnamon tea

Banana and cinnamon tea is a very easy drink to prepare that can contribute to relaxation and help us create a sleep ritual to get a good night’s rest.

There are people who use it occasionally, while others decide to try it regularly to avoid the consumption of sleeping pills (which often cause dependence and other health problems).

Before continuing, we need to take into account that insomnia cannot be “cured” with this drink. However, this can help us when it comes to relaxing and improving our lifestyle.

And why combine banana with cinnamon in a drink? Well, both foods have properties that contribute, in a way, to relaxation. Next, we will see more about the nutritional contribution of banana and cinnamon.

Banana properties

The banana is a fruit with a sweet taste, well known for its content of potassium and magnesium, minerals participate in the regulation of blood pressure and in the elimination of fluids, among other issues.

Potassium is also involved in protein production, carbohydrate metabolism, nerve transmission, and osmotic balance. It also helps regulate cortisol levels (known as the stress hormone).

On the other hand, the banana contains tryptophan, an essential amino acid that increases the secretion of serotonin (which in turn is a necessary substance to sleep well)

Properties of cinnamon

Types of cinnamon

The other main ingredient in this recipe is cinnamon, a very aromatic spice that, according to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) contains proteins, iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, selenium, vitamins B6, C, phenols and aldehydes.

This spice favors digestion and also blood circulation, two very important factors to induce rest at night.

Banana and cinnamon tea recipe for better sleep

To prepare a delicious banana and cinnamon tea you will only need to follow the following recipe. Take note of everything you need and the steps!


  • 1 banana
  • Water (required amount).
  • ½ teaspoon of cinnamon (2.5 g).


  • Cut the ends of the banana, without removing the peel, and add it to a pot with the boiling water.
  • Lower the heat to a minimum and allow the decoction to cook for 10 minutes.
  • Then let it rest and pass it through a strainer.
  • Add the pinch of cinnamon and stir well.

Consumption mode

  • Drink a cup of the drink 1 hour before going to sleep.

Hydration is key to alleviating kidney inflammation.

Is this drink a cure for insomnia?

Although this drink can help us relax at night and create our own ritual to go to sleep peacefully, it is necessary that we bear in mind that it is not a cure. Therefore, we must have it as a complement to a healthy lifestyle.

If sleep problems persist, it is best to consult your doctor and follow his instructions. 

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