A Dose Of Loneliness Is Necessary In Our Lives

Loneliness does not have to be harmful. On the contrary, it can benefit us and help us grow as people, as long as we do not confuse it with isolation and we continue to maintain our contacts

Loneliness is a state often labeled negative. It even constitutes one of our first and last fears throughout our lives. But, beyond this negative connotation that has been given, there is that small dose of loneliness necessary for our own growth and development.

Human beings are social beings, we need to find our place within a community. Hence, interpersonal relationships are vital to us. In addition, when we interact with others, we exchange enriching thoughts that allow us to see reality from other perspectives.

However, a dose of loneliness is necessary to distance yourself from the situations and people around us. Likewise, it is the best way to connect with ourselves, meditate on our problems, and thus be able to make decisions in line with our values.

Loneliness may be necessary

You don’t have to go far to realize how many activities in your daily life need a bit of solitude to carry out. Such as reading, studying, listening to music, etc. Depending on our customs and experiences, some of us prefer to be more alone in some situations than in others.

But the presence of this positive loneliness does not only lie in leisure activities, but it can be a fundamental part of our process of growth and personal development.

When we are alone we can calmly analyze our problems and meditate on the different solutions. In addition, it allows us to analyze not only our feelings, but also those of others. Which will help us to improve interpersonal relationships and to be more empathetic.

The relationship with oneself is essential to know and love oneself

Woman sitting on bench

Positive loneliness is hidden behind our life project. They are those moments in which we collect ourselves and allow ourselves the license to wander between what we do and what we live.

Being alone from time to time allows us to meet and think about our life. In fact, learning to be a person is a process that demands knowing how to be alone. Loneliness is an excellent thing to improve because it gives us time to analyze our virtues, but also our mistakes, facilitating the visibility of learning and change.

It is important to give ourselves a space to ask ourselves how we are and listen to our interior, since this way we will learn to enjoy ourselves when we are alone.

However, there is a lot of fear and fear of loneliness, something that has dragged on the human being from the beginning. But if we strike a good balance between the moments that we dedicate to ourselves and those that we dedicate to establish bonds with others, we can enjoy a harmonious experience, freeing ourselves from the fear of being alone and feeling empty.

Loneliness and isolation

Loneliness is not the same as isolation. Being isolated implies the absence of relationships, while loneliness constitutes a natural condition of the human being. We are the architects of our work, which is life, that is, we are alone to live life and make life what seems most appropriate, since no one can do it in our place.

We alone are the ones who develop our life project. However, along it, there are many people that we meet and those who give us that little push that sometimes we need, or throw a stone at us along the way.

Therefore, loneliness is necessary and beneficial when it is voluntary and temporary. It allows you to reflect calmly, discover strengths and improve attitudes. However, we must not let it take over our lives. And if this happens and you feel sad and / or down, then it is best to see a mental health professional for help.

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