7 Healthy Foods You Can Eat Every Day

They are healthy, they are appetizing, some are essential ingredients in the kitchen and, above all, they are healthy. If you get used to taking these foods daily, your body will appreciate it.

Diet is one of the most important factors for physical and mental health. The increase in processed foods that are sold in the market as a quick alternative to satisfy hunger, has caused an increase in the incidence of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity. In your hands is the change. In this article you will find 7 healthy foods that you can eat every day.


Feeding ourselves is the way to incorporate essential nutrients and produce energy for our growth and development. However, the daily diet must be balanced, respecting the importance of each nutrient for the body. We know, for example, that the body requires 3 times more fiber than fat in a day.

Fast foods rich in salts, fats and carbohydrates are an attack on our health. As a consequence, the rate of people with obesity increases and  there are more and more diagnoses of chronic diseases related to the  heart Fortunately, everyone has the ability to modify their eating plans.

Today we want to recommend  7 wonderful foods that, due to their composition, are health protectors  . Discover them!

7 healthy foods you can eat every day

1. Whole grains

Whole grains

Instead of choosing flours and other refined foods, it is worth starting with whole grains. These contain the skin and pod of the grain, rich in dietary fiber. Among its benefits is, according to this study by Hospital La Fuenfría (Madrid): improve digestive health and help regulate blood cholesterol levels.

See also: Treat irritable bowel with anti-inflammatory foods

2. Blue fish

Most fish have important nutritional qualities, but the one that stands out the most is blue or cold water. Its richness in omega-3 fatty acids has made it the basis of the diet to maintain cardiovascular health. According to this research by the G. D’Annunzio University (Italy), these acids have anti-inflammatory properties, delay blood clotting and boost the immune system.

3. Olive oil

olive oil

Essential in the Mediterranean diet, olive oil is a type of healthy vegetable oil. Its content of polyphenols and monounsaturated fatty acids gives it the ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels, slow down aging and protect arteries.

4. Green tea

This popular drink, famous for its slimming qualities, is currently listed as one of the best for preventing disease. Its components stimulate liver detoxification, according to this study conducted by the Zhujiang Hospital of Southern Medical University (China).

5. Garlic and onion


Ideal for seasoning our food, these products have very similar and effective medicinal properties. They are able to stimulate the immune system, protect the cardiovascular system and regulate  blood pressure . This is stated in this study by the National Autonomous University of Mexico.

6. Avocado

It is a rich source of essential fatty acids that help lower cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, according to this study from Tufts University. Contains vitamin C and E that prevent early aging. It is widely used for hydration and regeneration of the skin and hair.

7. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables

For a balanced and healthy diet, what better way than to incorporate nutritious green vegetables into your meals.  Consuming them raw provides significant amounts of flavonoids and carotenoids,  substances that prevent premature aging of the main organs of the body, including the skin (this is stated in this study from the GB Pant University of Agriculture and Technology in India). Thanks to its richness in fiber, they  improve digestion, reduce anxiety and are  appropriate for people with  type 2 diabetes .

We recommend you read: The 7 most effective tips to prevent diabetes

Do not hesitate to start enjoying these foods in your daily meals through different recipes. In a short time you will feel your body stronger and you will also  notice the changes in your weight and figure.

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