The 6 Best Oils To Increase The Thickness Of The Eyebrows

The eyebrows hold a very important place in the beauty routine of every woman, since they are an essential component to show off an attractive and young look.

Although until a few years ago many preferred to wax them to make them look fine, today the trend is to have them abundant, voluminous and with more definition.

The problem is that the use of chemicals, environmental toxins and waxing tend to weaken the hair, causing it to grow and fall out.

This not only complicates the task of putting on makeup, but it is usually an impediment to wearing the desired look .

The good news is that there are many cosmetic products whose properties stimulate their natural growth while strengthening them from the root.

Among these we find some oils of natural origin that, applied continuously, beautify them in a notorious way.

This time we want to share the best 6 so you don’t stop adding them to your cosmetic case.

1. Castor oil

Castor oil

Also known as castor oil, it is a natural product that has been shown to be effective in strengthening hair, eyelashes and eyebrows.

It contains essential fatty acids, proteins and antioxidant substances that, when absorbed, can help improve the quality of the hair so that it grows without problems.

How to use?

  • In the evening hours, just before going to sleep, remove make-up from your eyebrows and rub in a little castor oil with the help of a brush or cotton swab.
  • Perform gentle circular massages for 3 minutes and let the product absorb, without rinsing.
  • Repeat the treatment every night for several months.

    2. Coconut oil

    Coconut oil is one of the natural cosmetics best known to women around the world.

    Rich in medium chain fatty acids, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, it is a great ally to repopulate and strengthen the eyebrows.

    It has an interesting moisturizing effect that easily penetrates the follicles to prevent their weakening.

    It is also believed to reduce the negative effects of free radicals and provide a wide variety of nutrients to hair.

    How to use?

    • Get organic coconut oil and apply a small amount to your eyebrows.
    • Rub it in with gentle circular massages and leave it on overnight.
    • Repeat its use every day, just before going to bed.

    3. Almond oil

    Almond oil is a moisturizing product that has been part of many hair beauty treatments for decades.

    Contains vitamin E, protein and healthy fats that help strengthen the brows from the root to promote healthy growth.

    How to use?

    • Dampen a piece of cotton wool with almond oil and rub it over your eyebrows.
    • Make sure it absorbs well and repeat its application twice a day.

    4. Rosemary oil

    The nutrients in the rosemary plant have been used since ancient times as active hair-strengthening agents.

    These same actives are responsible for increasing the volume of the eyebrows, while curbing hair loss and minimizing the negative effects of toxins and the sun.

    How to use?

    • Take a small amount of rosemary essential oil and gently massage it into the eyebrows.
    • Repeat its use every day, preferably at night.

    5. Olive oil

    Olive oil moisturizer

    Extra virgin olive oil has a nutritional composition that brings many benefits to the beauty of the eyebrows.

    Its continuous use helps to hydrate and strengthen them, while controlling weakness and hair loss.

    Likewise, it can have antioxidant effects that would help increase their thickness and quantity.

    How to use?

    • Heat a tablespoon of olive oil to a bearable temperature, then apply it to your eyebrows using your fingertips.
    • Gently massage until completely absorbed.
    • You don’t have to rinse it off, as it doesn’t leave a greasy feeling.

    6. Vitamin E oil

    Vitamin E oil is a product that has earned a very special place in the catalog of hair health remedies.

    It is rich in antioxidant substances that minimize the activity of free radicals on hair cells and roots.

    Its application on the eyebrows and eyelashes can help their growth, increasing thickness and strength.

    How to use?

    • Open a capsule of vitamin E and rub it on the eyebrows with the help of a clean mascara brush.
    • Use it every day, up to twice.

    Which of these oils do you prefer? Try the one that catches your eye the most and use it every day to achieve full, strong and natural brows.

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