7 Recipes With Sodium Bicarbonate To Alkalize Your Body

The experts in Health, Nutrition and Food Safety advise against consuming water with sodium bicarbonate every day since this substance is extremely aggressive for the stomach and can damage it .

Recipes with baking soda to alkalize your body abound and, for the most part, consist of preparations that, according to beliefs, would help balance your pH and, with it, help you obtain certain benefits.

As you surely remember, baking soda water has been used as a home remedy for throat pain, irritation, and infection. It is not ingested, but is used occasionally to gargle with to clear the throat and obtain relief. 

Although this remedy is very popular and there are those who consider it to be effective, doctors advise against its daily use, since sodium bicarbonate is a very aggressive substance that can cause damage to the body if used indiscriminately.

Of course, the harm would not really be in gargling with water and baking soda once, but in using this liquid several times for extended periods of time.

Toxins and the modern lifestyle

Today there are those who consider that the modern lifestyle (frantic, surrounded by environmental pollution, exposed to high levels of stress and emotional tension) decomposes the body and causes it to accumulate toxins. These would be responsible for the health to suffer.

For this reason, some preparations are proposed to expel them easily and achieve an organic balance in a short time. Among the most immediate benefits of its use would be the correct absorption of nutrients from food.

Carbonated drinks, refined flours, sweets, bread, red meat, or cold cuts are delicious and it is difficult to resist their temptation. Therefore, it is possible that on occasions, a person ends up consuming them in excess, thus generating greater acidity in their body (and with it, a general imbalance).

Baking soda to alkalize your body

To correct this imbalance, life habits would obviously have to be improved. And according to certain beliefs, such a diet should be supported with alkalizing preparations.

Recipe No. 1

The first recipe with baking soda to alkalize your body would help you relieve heartburn. To take advantage of it, dilute ¼ teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water.

Recipe No. 2

To alkalize the blood, the same formula of the previous recipe is made.

Recipe No. 3

The pH of this formula is approximately 7. This preparation would help to have more energy. Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar should be mixed with ¼ teaspoon of baking soda.

Recipe No. 4

This recipe would help heartburn problems. To do this you must squeeze lemon juice, dilute it in water and finally add ¼ teaspoon of baking soda. It will begin to “bubble” immediately, and it is best to consume it while the bubbles last.

Recipe No. 5

How to remove odor from plastic containers

It is prepared the same as the previous one, but with lime instead of lemon. These two recipes would help balance sodium and potassium. It would be ideal for those who suffer fluid retention due to excess salt.

Recipe No. 6

This recipe with baking soda to alkalize your body would be ideal to help with excess sodium. Simply mix 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda, 1/16 teaspoon of potassium bicarbonate and ¼ teaspoon of citric acid and dilute everything in ½ glass of water.

Recipe No. 7

This recipe would contribute to the sodium-potassium balance. In addition, it is also ideal for normalizing many biological parameters that help us maintain a good functioning of the body. Mix lemon juice with 50/50 of baking soda and potassium bicarbonate.

Is it good to alkalize your body daily?

Experts advise against consuming baking soda water and vinegar water on a daily basis. Even if it is only a glass, this type of preparation could cause irritation and discomfort that could harm health.

If you would like to try baking soda methods to alkalize your body, consider consulting with your GP before doing so. Remember that the professional can always guide you better about what is best for your body, depending on your needs, and the most successful for you to achieve your goals (lose weight, increase muscle mass, etc.).

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