6 Habits That Are Damaging Your Neck

So that your neck does not suffer, it is convenient that you identify these habits and try, as far as possible, to avoid them so as not to suffer unnecessary pain

Posterior neck pain affects about 67% of the population. Are you part of this percentage? Do you know what habits are damaging your neck? What do you do to prevent the discomfort from persisting?

This pain is usually caused by activities related to repeated movements or prolonged postures. This can lead to overuse, injury to the ligament or spasm of the neck muscles.

Most of the time you have habits that are damaging your neck. Perhaps you had not thought about it or they are situations that you already know are negative for your health but you do not associate them with the neck.

Here we tell you what they are. Discover them and change whatever is necessary to have a more comfortable and enjoyable life.

Sedentary lifestyle

Lack of physical activity harms the whole body.  Sedentary lifestyle is one of the habits that are damaging your neck because it interferes with the metabolism of the intervertebral disc , which requires movement to maintain the vital balance of the cells.

Just as the structure of the spine allows and facilitates movement, the absence of it injures it. The result will be pain along the spine that you will feel particularly uncomfortable in the neck.

The way to avoid this is by moving. Performing any physical activity is valid, such as:

  • To walk
  • To run
  • To swim
  • Dance
  • Practice yoga

Of course, remember not to demand too much at the beginning. If you don’t exercise now and suddenly want an intense routine, you could injure your neck, knees, and spine.

Having bad posture

Neck pain plagues many people, and the computer may be only part of the problem. Many times, desk seats do not support the natural curvature of the spine.

Due to insufficient lumbar support and lack of support in the arms , those who work in front of the computer are forced to bend and lean over the seats.

This is one of the habits that are damaging your neck because it creates a curvature in the shape of a “C” in the spine. The result is additional pressure on the nape and lumbosacral discs.

Ideally, have an ergonomically adapted workplace so that your posture is better and does not affect your health. What’s more, try to set an alarm so that every 30 or 40 minutes you change position . This will allow  the blood flows, the circulation is improved and the spine rests.

Posture is affected by other situations as well. Factors such as wearing inappropriate shoes and carrying very heavy backpacks also contribute to poor posture.

Remember that you shouldn’t carry more than 10% of your weight. Although sometimes difficult, you should take your precautions, especially children. 

To smoke

The third of the habits that are damaging your neck will surely not be expected. From lung cancer to diabetes they are linked to smoking. Now you can add chronic neck pain to this list.

Smoking causes dehydration of the back discs  and accelerates their degenerative process . This can lead to herniated discs or pressure, which can impair the proper function of the spine.

This bad habit also causes blockage of blood vessels. This is worrisome because, over time, less oxygen reaches the spine and discs.

Cigarettes are one of the habits that are damaging your back

Cell phone

Texting doesn’t just hurt your thumbs. Whenever you look down to use your cell phone, you put a lot of tension on your neck muscles.

Imagine a medicine ball supported on a golf tee. Your head weighs about 5 kilos; therefore, it takes a lot of effort to put the medicine ball back on the “T”.

For this reason, reducing screen time and holding the phone at eye level are two options to solve the problem.

The alcohol

It’s no surprise that sleeping awkwardly can lead to neck pain the next day. This can happen from time to time and the hypothesis increases if you drink too much.

Here’s why: people alter their position several times during the night, but intoxicated people tend to move less when they are asleep.

This means that the body can be caught in an uncomfortable and tense position for your neck for some time. To avoid this, drink the amount of alcohol that does not make you lose control over yourself.

If possible, avoid alcoholic beverages as much as possible.

Your bed and pillow are not the right ones

Another habit that is damaging your neck is sleeping with pillows that are too soft or too high. This affects the alignment of the head with the back and, therefore, the neck.

A soft mattress is another mistake, as it creates pressure points in the spine. A very hard one does not work either, because the spine has its own curvatures that need to be accommodated.

The right choice is a firm mattress and ergonomically designed pillows to keep your head aligned with your spine.

Your bed and pillow can condition the state of your neck

Have you already identified your bad habits? It’s time to change them and give your neck a good rest.

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