Guilt Can Become A Very Heavy Shadow

Human error is part of our learning. The great progress of humanity has been built on failure. Sometimes these mistakes can hurt other people and it is at this point that guilt arises. A self-destructive feeling that can become a very heavy shadow.

In this article we propose a series of reflections to help understand the feeling of guilt. And, in this way, to be able to release that burden that causes so much pain and unhappiness. Learn to discern the origin of guilt and thus be able to make peace with yourself.

Asking for forgiveness and not feeding negative thoughts

Man blaming another, psychological projection

The first step in freeing ourselves from a burden of guilt is asking for forgiveness. If the fault is caused by harm done to another person, we must assume our responsibility. Face the moment with courage and humbly ask for forgiveness from the heart. It is important to do our best. Do what is in our power to be able to correct the error.

It is not good to let months or even years go by prolonging a conflict situation. The best thing is to tear down the emotional wall and the fear of facing the problem. If we carry great guilt, we will be restless, sad, disappointed or in states of depression or anxiety. It is healthier not to keep feeding a negative or guilty thought.

Insomnia and guilt

Insomnia related to a feeling of guilt is very common. We try to think about the problem a thousand times. We rebuild in our mind, over and over again, painful situations, which prevents us from resting at night. In general, we do not realize the damage that we are not doing to ourselves.

We must make peace with our past in order to sleep well and improve our health. Remorse of conscience prevents us from resting at night. In turn, it can enhance other health problems.

There are breathing exercises to relax and fall asleep. We can also take a relaxing infusion such as valerian or passionflower.

We can’t change the past

As much as one wants, we cannot change the past. We cannot go back in time to make other better decisions. It is important to learn to follow our life and, with emotional intelligence, to know how to turn the page. Stopping in a past situation cannot determine our future life.

There are pains that have a period of mourning and pass over time, but there are also pains that are only solved with resignation. Accepting and accepting the past will make us stronger in the future. Guilt also has a healing time until its complete cure.

Own your thoughts

We cannot allow thought to overflow to the point of hurting us. Repeating a feeling of guilt as an obsession does not solve anything.

In this sense, we can try these tips to dominate negative thoughts of guilt:

  • Do creative or motivating activities.
  • Boost your physical activity and use your energy for sports.
  • Try to improve your body language. Don’t shrink and move with vitality.
  • Make lists of the good things that happen to you.
  • Relax your mind with meditations and moments to yourself.
  • Visit nature environments that give you peace and quiet (beach, forest, open field, etc.).

dance to overcome guilt

How can we eliminate guilt?

To solve any problem, we must first be aware of it. Many people suffer without knowing why and do not seek the source of pain and guilt.

Therefore, the first step towards a recovery of tranquility is to inquire within. Find the moment or the situations that have created us the state of negativity.

Afterwards, it is important to externalize it and share, with a trusted person or a professional, our weaknesses. No one is invulnerable and asking for help should not embarrass us.

  • There are methods and personalized therapies that psychologists apply to treat low self-esteem and feelings of guilt.

Likewise, it is also key to be patient. All inner change is gradual and requires your willpower and effort. Be consistent and don’t be discouraged if difficult days come. Guilt monsters feed on the weak points of the personality. Winning the battle only depends on yourself.

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